
Call of Duty 4 xbox live?

by Guest62915  |  earlier

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When i first started playing Cod4 live i sucked like normal... got to like an average of 7:9 kill death ratio, then i got world of warcraft and played if for 6 months and lost all my skills when i came back(yes i know 7:9 isn't really skills) then i got to an average of about 10:10 and was improving... then i bought to human and that control system screwed me up again... whats the best way to learn call of duty 4 I'm level 30 and I'm trying to get out of the noob stage fast and start improving... any thoughts?




  1. Use an RPD with a grip, stopping power, and martyrdom, trust me....

  2. test out a variety of the weapons and determine what kind of player u r. more of a low key sniper  or more of a run and gun type. then all i can really say is go with what ur good at and keep practicing

  3. i play cod4 like everyday and i like to consider my self very above average

    play sabotage when you play on live

    its basically 20 straight minutes of team deathmatch and you will get lots of kills, experience, and become a better player

    i hope this helps you

  4. Just play CoD 4. It's so addictive. Warcraft is funner though. What level and realm are you on. I'm on bladefist with 3 70s. Just try to play one game at a time so you'll get better

  5. Play free for all, it will help train you up for the team deathmatch games.

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