
Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Multiplayer Revealed – Video Games Update

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Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Multiplayer Revealed – Video Games Update
Yesterday Activision and Treyarch released the long awaited multiplayer trailer for the upcoming smash hit in the Call of Duty series, Black Ops 2.
The two minute trailer released for the game sheds light on the multiplayer for the first time since the game’s announcement on February 9, 2012. The developer behind the game, Treyarch, has stated that this iteration of Call of Duty will bring ‘meaningful’
innovation to the series.
The first thing that gamers will notice when they watch the trailer is that Treyarch is yet again rehashing the old Call of Duty 4 game engine as there seem to be very little improvements in the visual department. However, gamers can at least feel comfort
in the fact that the game is likely to run at 60 frames per second (fps) even on consoles and because of the decision to reuse the old engine again, Black Ops 2 is likely to be well optimised for PCs.
The upcoming Call of Duty has some big shoes to fill since not only will it be judged against the previous COD game, Modern Warfare 3, it will also be going head-to-head with Electronic Arts’ Battlefield 3, the upcoming Medal of Honor: Warfighter and both
of EA’s offerings look graphically superior to Black Ops 2 because of EA’s new Frostbite 2 engine.
Call of Duty has clearly lost the visual edge it had over the competition as Halo 4, Borderlands 2, and Medal of Honor: Warfighter clearly boast better graphics at the cost of being 30fps on consoles compared with the 60fps of Black Ops 2.
Game-play additions from the trailer include new weapons and new ‘Killstreaks’ where the player can call and control hover-drones and Mechs. The trailer also saw the return of the Tomahawk. But apart from that it looks like the game retains the Call of Duty
feel as the maps showcased in the trailer are small and appear to be best for Free for All ‘Deathmatch’ mode. It is unknown if Black Ops 2 will have large scale combat with vehicles like that found in Battlefield 3.
Overall the trailer has left a positive impression on gamers as game-play seems more polished because Treyarch is aiming to make Black Ops 2 a successful eSport in the Pro circuit. Thanks for the Multiplayer reveal Treyarch, but give the gamers what they’ve
really been waiting for, the Black Ops 2 Zombie mode reveal.



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