
Called for Jury Duty, but unable to go...?

by Guest44970  |  earlier

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I have already paid for a planned vacation (non-refundable tickets), and I got a notice to appear for Jury Duty in the mail today. Can I be excused? Anybody have any information if my jury duty can be waived or can be rescheduled for some time after I return from my vacation?? Your response would be appreciated. Thanks so much!




  1. you can always reschedule its not a problem but please dont use your vacation as an excuse you have to come up with a good lie, good excuse or good reason.

  2. you should call the number on the summons and speak with the jury clerk explain your situation you might be able to get it post poned this website has alot of information

  3. Call the court.  Any answer you get here might be incorrect.

  4. Getting out of it by prego, emerency leave, things like that.

    Tell them you had a death in the fam. and need to leave.

  5. claim hardship if you've already paid your tickets, et al.

    Either that, or walk in with a wall street Journal under your arm.  They're not too keen on intelligent jurors.  The lawyers look for those who's opinions they can sway with words.

  6. I have also been to jury duty myself, like 2yrs ago. It says on the jury summons that if you fail to appear than you get a jail sentence for contempt of court. You have to appear physically in court that day, in order to be excused. However, you will get a phone call sometime in the near future, that tells you the numbers of juries who are eliminated before ever appearing in court. Every jury has their own # just like how a jail inmate would. So, if you get that call and your number is not said, then you don't have to physically appear in court, that means you are eliminated from jury duty. On the other hand, jury duty is really nothing to hate, i liked it a lot, you get to see the whole court process, which is really neat to see with your own 2 eyes instead of on TV. I wish you the best of luck, and sorry to hear that it kind of coinceded with your vacation plans. The court's jury duty has no mercy. i will tell you that, they could care less whether you had a meeting, doctors appointment, or what not, all they care about is your appearance in court.

  7. You've GOT to be kidding.  Are you really going to say, "I would love to fulfill my civic duty, but I'm going on vacation?"  

    Good luck with that.  And contrary to what others said, lying is a baaaaaaaaaad idea.

    I feel for you.

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