
Caller ID mistake, help please?

by  |  earlier

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I am not allowed to call my friend right now, and I wouldn't go against my mom's friend's rules. However, she called me today claiming that my cell phone called her 3 times! I didn't call her at all, and my cell phone says that I didn't call her.

Of course, neither of them believe me. It's hard to ignore it when your caller ID is so specific. But why would it say that I called when I didn't? (it was the correct day, too, I've already asked.)

Now they're all mad at me and they don't believe me! Things are bad enough right now as it is, and now her mom thinks I'm calling against her rules.




  1. Somebody probably "spoofed" your phone number. That means they had the ability to change what showed up on the caller ID. There is a site that shows you how to do this and it's gaining popularity.

  2. What kind of friend wouldn't believe you? If necessary just show them your phone or phone bill to show  that you didn't call. I think its silly to have to do that though. If she is a true friend she should believe you.

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