
Calligrapher added & guest on invitations!!

by  |  earlier

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Ok so i sent out my list to the people doing my invitations and they put them together, stamped them and sent them out for me.... i didnt think much could get screwed up since there were no typos and stuff...

so i started getting rsvp's back from some friends and they all added a guest and i thought well thats rude! it turns out that the calligrapher wrote & guest on the invitations invited without a guest.. so now i have so far 6 extra people and thats only the invitations im SURE were written wrong. I'm not sure how many more are messed up. Should i call the invitation place and ream them out or should i jsut let it go?

6 extra people really isnt much BUT who knows how many more it will be and it adds up! we are also not getting as many "no's" as we thought so the numbers are goin up by the day




  1. Well obviously the calligrapher knew better than you that adults should all be invited with a guest, just my personal opinion.  Thank you for the thumbs down!

  2. I would call and complain. You should at least request at least some of your money back. The calligrapher should have asked you before adding that!  

  3. Firstly, were some people really meant to be invited on their own?  I only ask because it is absolutely proper etiquette & manners to invite all guests to bring a friend/partner with them.  Since this is the norm, the calligrapher must have assumed you meant "and guest".

    Anyway, if you specified a list to the calligrapher & he/she altered that list, then you certianly have grounds to complain.  Its obviously too late to recall the invites, but you should review yoru contract with him/her and if they did overstep their duties, then look for a formal apology and some compensation (ie reduction in the bill) if necessary.  

  4. Well for a start make sure you get your money back from the calligrapher. I would ask your mom or someone who knows your culture well, and either send out new invitations or just call and explain that there was a mistake.  

  5. Like it was said before, re-read your contract very carefully and see exactly what was supposed to be put down. Think back, did you look at any samples? If so, did they have the "& guest" on them? Were you shown any demo's? Did they have the "& guest" on them? If not, then I would call and have a very long and uncomfortable conversation with whoever did them. Ask for most, if not all of your money back then report them to the better business burea. If it was on there and you missed it then unfourtunately there's not much you can do.

    As for the extra guests, someone above me suggested that you call each guest and explain the situation. This is a definate possiblity and I doubt most people would mind, some of them might have even found someone to take just for the occasion. However, the most graceful thing to do at this point is to grin and bear it. It is customary for most wedding guests to bring someone with them. Since it's only 6 people at this point then I'd go with it, if anymore people sign one up then I'd call them. Keep in mind however, you'll either need to call everyone or no one, you can't let one person bring a guest and tell someone else no.

    This is a tough situation, I'm sorry you're in it, just keep your head and I'm sure you'll handle it just fine!

  6. I would first look at your contract with the place doing your invites and see what exactly was specified for them to write.

    IF they did indeed mess up, I would ask for them to reimburse you for the plates you are having to purchase because of the extra people coming about the percentage you are paying for at the reception hall.  

  7. Any adult single person should be able to bring a guest with them to a wedding. That is only proper.

    You need to get out your contract with the calligrapher.  If he did this without your ok you need to get your money back from the least.  

  8. i would express and ask for some money back at the guy who messed up!

    don't ream him tho that shows poor charactor!!!

    it would be smart not to recall the extra's you mayhave to deal with it and or express to the printing place that they didn't ask you to proof the final out come reguardless of typo's you always proof what you send out!  but see if they can help out since it was an error on their part!

    lesson learned if they offer you a proof and you didn't take it! Your fault!

    if they never offered  you a proof then their bad!

    however always ask!

  9. Definitely get your money back from your calligrapher, especially if you have what you agreed upon in writing. That's just horribly wrong. What a big mistake! Gosh, I'm so sorry.

    I think the best way to approach this is to start calling up those who add "and guests" to their replies. You really shouldn't have to allow them to bring guests just because someone else screwed up. I completely understand because we're not doing the "and guest" thing, either because we know how much of a difference it makes in the cost. Simply say, "I'm so happy that you'll be attending our wedding, but unfortunately I've been put in an awkward situation. Our calligrapher added the and guest to our invites without our permission, and our venue has very limited seating and we're almost at capacity as it is without the extra guests. I hope you understand, but we simply cannot physically make the room for your extra guest. I hope that doesn't alter your RSVP in any way."

    Guests should MORE than understand, and if they don't,  then maybe have your parents or wedding party re-ask them in a few days after they've cooled down. Even if a select few people are too mad and don't come because of it (which is highly unlikely) it's a few less people you have to pay for :)

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