
Calling ALL parents!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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Have you huged your children today?




  1. Did you

  2. No. They live too far away and I don't see them every day.

  3. Well duh, I hug and kiss my kids everyday. If you don't then something is wrong with you.

  4. yes both of them i love them with all my heart

  5. No they not living with me! My son is living 8000 km, my daughter is 200km.  So  no!

  6. I did they did help me put up horse shelters in unbearable heat today.  

  7. Sure have!

  8. IF they were here i sure would. My older son doesnt like it but I do it anywys

  9. wish i could my son is staying with his friewnd all weekend.  i have talked to him twiceand told him i love him.

  10. well im the child, and i dont even remember the last time my mom hugged me, im 13

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