
Calling All Adoptees whose names were changed: Now that you know what your first name was, do you wish it had?

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not been changed?




  1. I was adopted at 5 and my Name was changed to Ariana Havila, before that it was Crystal Rose. I dont care either way. People call my both so it doesnt really bother me. I like Rose better as a middle name than i do HAvila though!

  2. is it ok with you if i change your name?

  3. I spent my entire life searching for the right "hippie" name, because I never felt like Jennifer really fit me. And then I learned that my parents had named me Ejypt (which was an acronym, not a misspelling of the country, haha), and it was like "wow, that's exactly it, the name I had been searching for my whole life." It totally "fit," but I have lived my whole life as Jennifer and in college I picked a new nickname Jenna (which I'm making legal when I get married) and so it's weird...on one hand I know that Ejypt is my name, and yet I don't feel comfortable having that as my name anymore. I'm not sure that makes sense, but I definitely wish that my name had not been changed & that I had been raised with the name that 'fit' me best.

  4. I was 2 when I was adopted, and my aparents changed my first name.  I legally changed it back.  For everything they did right, I never was comfortable with having my name changed, and even made mention of that to them as a young child.  I already had a name.

  5. Sure, I'd rather have my real first name, but too much time had changed for me to change my first name.

    I DID change my surname BACK to the name I was born with--I've had it back now for 19 yrs.

    Would YOU like your name changed? Let me pick one for you.

  6. h**l, almost anything would beat Timothy (thanks mom and dad)

    but my Bio-Parents were going to name me Stephen so I guess it really doesn't matter...

  7. My named was changed and it does not bother me.  My BP saw me like what, 5 minutes, that does not give them the right to give me a name for the rest of my life.  My parents are the ones who were there for me, it is their right, I am their daughter.  I was named after my grandmother which is an honor because she was an amazing woman.

  8. "Calling" All Pap's and Ap's....adoptees aren't pets. Woof.

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