
Calling All Parents: Can You tell me what kind of traditions you have passed on to your kids?

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Examples would be: Favorite childhood toy from when you were little, music you grew up listening too, Maybe your mother or father taught you a certain method to tying your shoes and you taught your child the same way. If so, Why did you pass on the tradition?

Also: You do not have to be a parent to answer this. If your parents passed something to you, you can also share.




  1. Music


    Lack of religion

    authors and books

  2. I passed on a few of my stuffed animals from my childhood as well as purse that I used when I was 7 and now my 7 year old uses it. I've also started teaching my children family recipes.

    Once my daughter is an adult, I will give her a strawberry tea set that was passed down to me from my aunt. My aunt used to say this little poem of sorts and I say it to my kids too :)

  3. opening one present on Christmas Eve-always pajamas but I added a book too

    occasionally allowing her to eat ice cream for dinner(you only live once)

    (like once a year)

    love for animals

    being non judgemental

    Family is the most important thing

  4. My mom passed on her jewelry.

    so did my grandmother..

    we also have a tradition to go see our familys gravesite every year. (:

  5. Language: Bilingual (Spanish), religion, Music,. I want to  teach my daughter everything about her backround. I want my daughter to know her History, because your Past is her Future. Never be ashamed of your culture, and were you came from.

  6. my mum used to kiss me and said "be blessed" before sending me off to school. now i do the same with my son

  7. In our family we have a tradition of putting everyone's (adults) name in a hat

    and everyone picks out a name & they only need to get a present for that person..but everyone gets presents for the children. It saves money, and gives something special for the children.

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