Hello everybody, I’m a college student taking Introduction to Education. My assignment this week is to interview a teacher. Well, I had this all set up with a local teacher, but she called me up today to postpone the interview to next week. Well, the assignment is due Tuesday morning... So that’s not an option for me. So I humbly ask for an establish teacher to answer a few short questions. Thank you. (If you want it to be more private, you can email me at billy.speer@gmail.com)
Your name:
School Location: (just the state and city)
What grade level do you teach?
How long have you been teaching?
Where did you get your teacher preparation?
What do you appreciate about teaching?
What do you not appreciate about teaching?
What influenced you to choose teaching as a profession?
How much time do you invest in your work?
What is one of your "peak experiences" as a teacher?
Do you view teaching as a "profession" or a "semiprofession"? Why?
What skills do you think a beginning teacher needs the most?
What changes would you make in the teaching profession?
What role do you see "technology" playing in the classroom?
How would you describe students today?
What importance do you think "teacher effectiveness" plays upon student learning?
How would you describe an effective teacher?
What would make the teaching profession "perfect" for you?
What advice would you have for me starting out as a new teacher?