
Calling All Teenagers & Young Adults!?

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What are your personal views on tattoos?

What is your personal opinion on the "Ed Hardy" designer?

I think tattoos are art that you can carry around with you. I especially love the ones that are on [LA Ink] or [Miami Ink].. I love meaningful ones, not just some random star...

I love the Ed Hardy Line! Tomorrow I am going downtown to get some Ed Hardy shoes & clothes : ] I think he is such an amazing artist!!!

Also: TEENS will you get a tattoo?

I know I want one on the back of my neck!

Please Answer. Please Don't Report. I am asking TEENS on their views of TATTOOS.

Peace : ]





  1. You should really be asking the 60 year olds with tattoos.

  2. I think that tattoos are cool....on someone else! Me and pain are okay, but self inflicted is not my cup of tea, sure you can say well the artist is really the one causing the pain yes, but I'm the one paying him!

    Me and my dad talk about getting it done, but I think that if we really got in the car to go down there he would not let is "little girl" go through with it.

    Now the temporary tats are perfectly okay with pain wash off with rubbing alcohol.

  3. I don't it when people get their whole bodies tattoed.

    I like small ones like hearts or names or something. I would/am thinking about getting one.

  4. Im 13 and i want one sooooooooo dang bad! i love La Ink dont know ed ahrdy YES i will get a tattoo i want at least 3!

  5. i'm 15 and i love tattoo's i have 2 already.  I think they are all about self expression.  I don't know what clothing line you are talking about sorry.

    i love LA ink and Miami ink.  I love tattoos and like one's that express the person something they didn't copy from someone else.

  6. I have no problem with tattoos, but I wouldn't want one (not for any weird reason, lol). =) I don't know who Ed Hardy is.

    I don't think I'll ever get a tattoo, but that's just me.

  7. tattoos are OK as long as they're aren't too many of them. I'm thinking of getting one actually.

  8. i personally dont like tatoos because once you get them thier always there and when your skin stretches or contracts they get distorted i also think theyre ugly when i see them on otheer ppl                                  especially girls

  9. i would LOOVEE to get a tattoo, I'm waiting until in 18, but its definitely something i will end up doing ( nothing big )

  10. I think tattoos are a beautiful way of expressing yourself. I saw Ed Hardy on Rock of Love lol but we don't have anything like that around where I live, otherwise I'd probably buy his clothes!

  11. I have a real appreciation for body art. I am 22, got my first tattoo when I was 18. In saying that, sometimes they can tend to look trashy depending on what and where it is. Mine is actually very significant to me, its a chinese symbol on my right hip which means 'protected.'

    My husband has about 8 tattoos that all have meanings behind them too. I wouldn't encourage teens to get tattoos until they are legal age (here in aust it's 18.) I know so many people who got parental consent to get them done at 16 ad 17 and to this day, they regret it.

  12. I think a few small tattoos are cool!

    I probably will.I'll show you:

    I'm going to get mine on my chest(not my b*****s though)

  13. i dont like full body tattoos, but a few here and there are ok. i have a tattoo on the back of my neck "alis volat propiis" which means she flys with her own wings.

  14. 16-I've always wanted to get a tattoo until the age of 14.

    I personally dont wanna mark my body now.

    Minds just change.

  15. Tattoos are great. But if you want one you have to be sure it's something you're going to love even when you are 90 :P

    My mum says I can get one, I just don't know what I want yet....

  16. I love tattoos as long as they have meaning

    I have no idea who you are talking about

    LA ink is a good show!

    I may get one this summer.

  17. I dont mind tattoos.

    However i dont really like the tattoos that cover up almost the entire section of a body say a whole arm.

    I reckon people should only get a tattoo when it symbolises something, im planning to get a tattoo i've drawn on the right hand side of my lower back once i turn 18, god knows if i could take the pain xD

    I love miami ink! The tattoos they do are so.. skilled.

    If i ever fly over to america one day, i would hope to god that i could get a tattoo done there by those people, i wouldn't mind being on tv haha.

  18. Im thinking of getting 3 roses on my upper right arm.

    One meaning family

    another meaning love

    and the last one meaning god

  19. I am 20 and have 4 tattoos. I got my first tattoo at 16, with my mothers consent, all down my side and ribcage and i LOVE it. 3 of my 4 tattoos were done before I was 18. I have no regrets, and even if i did, oh well, they are with me for forever now. Just make sure its something you will love forever. Dont do a fad or a hobby youre into now, and make sure its somewhere you can cover up if you need to! Good Luck!

  20. I think tatoos has its pros and cons.Personally i want a qoute by marlyn monroe.It is against my religion and family beliefs but mind would mean something.Either that or "Reach for the stars"with shooting stars.Tatoos are reportedly cancerous and can become saggy so idk as yet.But bottom line meaninful ones are great!!!

  21. My personal view on tattoos:

    I like 'em! I don't necessarily like the huge ones that have like demons and skulls all over, but I like meaningful ones. I really like LA Ink and Miami Ink, I watch it when ever I can,

    My personal opinion of Ed Hardy:

    I'm sorry, I don't know him or it or whatever it is.

    Will I get a tattoo?

    I hope so. I want a shooting star on the top of my foot. My aunt (who I was very close to) had one and she died of cancer. And I want to get something for my son. So, yeah, I definitely want those, possibly more. I guess it just depends if I have reason to or not.

  22. I think that they's nothing wrong with tattoos. I personally, would never get one, I'm not good with pain. I'm scared to even get my ears pierced again, haha. But I think tattoos are cool, as long as you don't over-do it. Sleeves and millions of tattoos aren't that great, but small ones or just a few are nice.

  23. I would never get a tattoo. There are two reasons for this:

    1) I don't like needles. At all. I just can't handle them. I tried to give blood once and my blood pressure dropped to 80 over 60, the room started spinning and I had to be wheeled over to a bed. And this was just from having my iron checked!

    2) I change my mind a lot and tattoos are quite permanent (I know they can be removed but it is costly). I wouldn't want to get a tattoo, stop liking it a week later and be stuck with it.

    But that's just me. I guess it's ok if other people want a tattoo, as long as it means something to them. But having your entire body covered in tattoos isn't very attractive, not to mention a waste of money.

    Also, I don't think that teenagers should get tattoos. While not everyone is as fickle as I am, teenagers do change their minds and opinions A LOT. They should wait until they are more settled down in life before making such a permanent mark on their bodies.

  24. i personally think ed hardy line is flat out retarted seriously spending that much money on clothes is flat out retarted

  25. i like tattoos as long as they mean something to you.  i think that as long as u have 1 or 2 is fine.. but i don't like people who tattoo there whole body.    im 21 and both my parents say that its just fine for me to go get 1 when i have enough $.

  26. i like tattoos, as long as they aren't the trashy kind, you know? i plan on getting one. on my hip or the back of my shoulder.

  27. tattoos are awesome.

  28. I think that tattooos are something that someone carries with them forever. They can't be rid of easily. In fact, it's quite hard to have a tattoo removed, and it's not inexpensive by any means.

    With that said, I don't think someone shouldn't get a tattoo until they have grown up and matured as a person. If someone gets a tattoo the first few years being able to get one, chances are they will end up regretting it. Probably not right away, or even in a few years, but eventually, they will regret it. So someone really needs to know what they are doing and not take it lightly by any means.

    Especially if they get someones name other than their own tattooed, that's not smart at all. Even if they're serious about the other person, if they truly are serious, they don't need the tattoo to prove that.

    Eventually, someone is no longer going to be young. So that tatto won't really fit on a 50 year old person. Plus, if it's visible, then it would be really difficult to be taken seriously as a professional with a career. So, it's smart to have it done somewhere it can be covered up, and if someone is going to end up covering it up, why even have it?Why even get a tattoo if no one will see it? But someone can't have tattoos and expect to have a professional career. It doesn't really make sense in the long run to get a tattoo.

    I think a tattoo can be s**y. Especially for a single person in their 20's. But then again, what are you supposed to do when your spouse is 80 years old and it's not really s**y any more.

    But also, it depends on what the person does for a livelyhood. If they are an action sports athelete, then a tatoo may not hurt their cause at all. Some people are tattoo artist, so it makes sense that they would have tattoos of their own.

    I think Ed Hardy is cool. I don't have any of their stuff, but I still like it from what I've seen.

  29. When I was younger, I really wanted to get a tattoo. But now with the career I'm going into, I don't think it will be appropriate.

  30. i would get a tattoo, i'm almost 17 and extremely interested in getting one. however, i'm VERY picky and won't get one until im extremely certain it is one that i will not ever regret for a second.

    tattoos are just imprints of experiences in your life. i think their beautiful, every one tells a different story.

  31. I dont mind them on other people.  But when your whole body is covered w/ them its kinda weird.  

    Dont know who he is....sorry

    I like the art they do but I'd never get a tattoo.

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