
Calling Believers of Freedom, Humanity & Justice...?

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What do you say about the following link???

By the way, "In GOD we TRUST"

"Because GOD is with America"

Why cant Americans who believe in Justice speak out and accept that they were cheated and lied into committing 'Mass Massacre'?




  1. Do you believe all the propaganda you see and hear? How do you know that any of the people in the pictures  were hurt/killed by Americans/Brit's?  This seems to be put out there by al-Qaida and swallowed hole by anti war rags.

    Where are the pictures of the terrorists cutting off journalist heads? Or the bombs they strap to retarded women and disabled children? And you believe this garbage? These are the ones hiding behind civilian women and children.

    George Monbiot, this guy is a nut! He's anti- capitalist, anti Christian and anti-American. He whines about the Geneva Conventions, you know the one where we are the only country in the world expected to abide by it. Nevertheless, the terrorist do not qualify for Convention protections because they fight like cowards and do not wear a uniform, they hide behind and use civilians and have no authority by a governing body. They are hence, terrorists.

  2. Because some of them got their minds polluted by their media and president.

    Some can think, some can't.

    Those who can think are divided into portions of those whos to afraid to react, who cares but remains indifferent and those who wants to do something but don't know where to start

    Some who can't think are being ignorant and let others pollute their minds with hatred like that wacked up fella up there.Trust me he knows NOTHING just like a zombie.

    he calls u a communist, u can call him a n**i and i support you through and through ..

    As a human who cares about other human, i suggest let's start a campaign ,calling all those who have had enough of this mass massacre and stop the violance...not just in Iraq, and Palestine...But EVERYWHERE!

  3. In war, bad things happen.

    But it is sometimes better than not going to war.

    Are you aware of the atrocities committed by Saddam Hussein and his followers?  Much worse.  Because Saddam was the law, so anything he wanted was done.  When US soldiers commit abuses, they get in trouble.  Under Saddam, you would be abused if you opposed the abuse, and often even if you didn't.

  4. I agree with your statements "In God we trust" and "God is with America".  I strongly disagree with your downing of American troops, though, because there are always rogue soldiers who will do the unthinkable to POWs-----how many Americans and Iraqis have been tortured & beheaded by the Iraqis??? Did you think of that? Do you realize that these soldiers & sailors are risking their necks--LITERALLY--so you can post your messages??

  5. You're just a dumb communist. Why should anyone listen to you?

  6. That is sickening but I don't know how I can blame my relatives who work hard and have to pay taxes.

    As far as GOD being of this nation I disagree whole heartedly. It says in one scripture of the bible to avoid people who are well dressed in suits in the market places..yet here we have a show CBN where they do just that and use religion as their means of earning money.

    Why must religion be used as a scapegoat for taking care of what problems WE humans have created. Because life isn't perfect.

    Why did the people on 9/11 get killed. Why is Iraq suffering. Why are those children suffering.

    I am not a tax payer yet..but the pictures are sickening. It just makes me so confused as to why alquida (sp?) went out of their way to kill people knowing this would happen.

    As far as why americans don't do it..well why didn't iraq speak out against saddam or why doesn't any other nation ??

    They are afraid..they have families as well. But ah I love how you get at the root of the matter; because I've been preaching this for years.

    No one has heard me.

    I suppose you would be happy if I an american citizen were to drop dead?

    These are times of troubles as was never before or ever will be...

    But I agree with your statement;

    'By the way, "In GOD we TRUST"

    "Because GOD is with America"

    Why cant Americans who believe in Justice speak out and accept that they were cheated and lied into committing 'Mass Massacre''

    maybe because they are truly athiest at heart /satanic/demonology.

    I wouldn't disagree with you..but the issue of speaking out doesn't always work too well. Sometimes you have to fight with sweat and blood as this war aren't just oppressing your own kind with your own actions but others around you; and that goes for either side but yes the war should end..but yet it continues.

  7. americans should wake up and understand what they are doing to iraq is wrong and is a act of punishment and is a act of terroism and god does not stands with terrorist

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