
Calling Immigration for illegal mexicans in the workplace?

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If you know that people you work with are illegal mexicans, can you file a report with immigration without your job being in jeopardy? What goes on after you file a report? Do you need substantial proof, or will probable cause do the job?




  1. Report Suspicious Activity directly to ICE, and bypass your employer all together; your anonymity can be maintained:



  2. dont waste your time. there are more illegals than you can imagine and your little phone call wont matter. we all know where the illegals are.. and immigration doesn't care.  

  3. Report and Deport!  Enough info above to take care of it!

  4. Your employer would get finned and it's becoming ever more severe. It varies by states but the state send county prosecuting agencies to investigate complaints the employer could face stiff sanctions, including the possibility of shutting down their business.  

  5. omg why would u that?

    please dont do that!!!

  6. Stop wasting your time and report the EMPLOYER, who is the only one at fault in this situation!

  7. call and talk to a USCIS officer.  

  8. Probable cause is good.

    In Arizona they can lose their business!

  9. Yes, you can make an anonymous call to the U.S. government.

  10. Whistle blowers get com. that is just how it is in Corporate America Vote Obama or McCain to keep it going nothing will change but you will have less.

  11. Yes you can. You don't need to file a report, you would just call INS, and they will direct you. You can say that you suspect that they are undocumented. If you were to do this, I wouldn't tell anyone. People do this all the time, and in the 80's I know that there was a reward given for each person INS picked up. Nigerians used to turn in their fellow countrymen all of the time. At that time it was $200 a head.

  12. If illegal immigrants earn money in this country, they spend money in our stores. They buy our commodities. Everyone wins

    When illegal immigrants are kicked out, America looses its cheap labor force, which means jobs get outsourced overseas. If jobs are outsourced overseas, the people who earn the money spend the money in those countries, instead of our stores.

    Immigrant workers are a net gain for the US economy. Each year, the same immigrants spend $1.8 trillion in the US and contribute over $600 billion to the GDP.

  13. You better be sure they are illegal.  Have they told you themselves they are?  How do you know for fact they are?

    I hope you do lose your job because once someone finds out it was you I would be running and hiding.  

  14. Call ICE and tell them you want to remain anonymous.

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