
Calling Spots In a Match?

by  |  earlier

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Do wrestlers plan all of the moves they are going to do in a match or do they plan certain spots and wrestle by themselves? And do they have any communication techniques that they do to try and know what moves to do?




  1. I think they plan the moves they'll do.

    I saw a lot of wrestlers whisper while they are acting being dizzy and stuff.

  2. they use alot of different signles and such to show whats guna happen next such as counters and finishers and such

    they also say what their guna do quietly and vantrilaqist(i have no idea how to spell it right) like so that the opponent knows how to react

    but some spots are deff planned

  3. its like a play and when you see one wrestler puttig his head close to his oponent picking him up there talking about wat there doing next.

  4. A lot of spots used to be called directly in the ring with the heel giving out the commands. With today's WWE product in High Definition the workers have been instructed to not call their spots in the ring and keep it quiet as much as possible. Most of the time the workers in the match will go over the match beforehand and sometimes only the big spots are planned out and the rest are done based on feel. There are certain communication techniques that wrestlers use without making it obvious but you would be surprised how impromptu a lot of spots can be at certain times.

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