
Calling a stepdad, dad?

by  |  earlier

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my mom really wants me to call my step-dad dad, but i really don't want too. i mean my mom and and him have been together since i was 5 and they got married when i was 12, so from the time i was 5 i have been calling him by his name. they have been married for almost 5 years now and she wants me to call him dad. i feel like she only wants me to call him dad because they are married. i mean i have considered him my dad since i was 5 and my other siblings don't call him dad and his children don't call my mom, mom. i don't want her to think that i don't want to call him dad because i don't consider him my dad, i just feel like she wants me to call him dad for him, her and the fact that they are married now.




  1. I don't think you should call him dad unless you feel comfortable doing that. Maybe one day you will, but don't force it. Talk to your mom and let her know how you feel.

  2. I think your mom should allow you to have that option and not force the issue.  I allowed my daughter that option, but her real dad is absent in her life, so she does call her step dad "daddy".  They are both comfortable with that and its working just fine.  Just let her know how you feel about it, your just not comfortable with calling him dad, maybe in the near future it could change, maybe asking your step dad how he feels about it.  Good luck!

  3. you dont have to call your stepdad "dad" if you dont want to. you're used to calling him by his name because that's what you've known him as since you were 5. i think you should tell your mom that you would feel more comfortable continuing calling him by his name since that is the norm for you and calling him "dad" might be awkward

  4. I'm sure that your Dad would want you to do what is comfortable for you. Tell your Mom that, if she has some concerns about this, the two of you can talk to him about it together. Make sure she knows how much you love and depend on him.  

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