
Calling all Canadian Amateur Radio Operators.....?

by  |  earlier

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I am a licensed Canadian operator with only the Basic qualification. I have been inactive for a few years due to moving across Canada where there was very little activity.

Anyway, I'm wondering what (if any) changes were made to the Basic operators ability to transmit below 30mhz without morse code. I remember hearing a few years back about certain changes were being considered, however being inactive for so long, I kind of lost sight on amateur radio news for a bit.

Can someone please fill me in on what my limitations are? I've been to a million websites that are more contradicting and confusing than anything.

Many thanks in advance




  1. If you were licensed before April 1,2002 you are automatically upgraded to a Basic with Honors license (meaning with 5wpm priviliges) .. After then you had to get it with over 80% (with Honors) to not have to take the 5wpm test to get on HF

    and the last is the official government website in it's normal confusing lingo

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