
Calling all Empaths/Psychics!!?

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Hey GUYS!! Lol, I just embraced the fact that i am Psychic, and ya-da-ya-da, etc. Problem, Im an empath as well and yea' sometimes when i read people i start to feel like they feel 5 minutes later, it started after i did my friend. Everyone i talk to now (don't touch them) after a while i feel like they feel, if they have pains i have pains,if they feel sluggish i feel sluggish, tired i feel tired! Hyper i feel hyper! HELP! how do i block those emotions, i can control this c**p...what do i do. Im getting too many migranes!! Thanks, God bless




  1. Sounds like Somebody needs some Downtime in a rubber room.

  2. same here meditate and practice it helps A LOT

  3. Ok, first you need to learn the basic techniques of grounding and centering.  

    Grounding is done for the same reason you ground an electrical conduit; it allows you to release excess energy safely into the earth.  Centering is a process whereby you find your mental "balance".  Once you've done that, it's much easier to separate what you're feeling from what people around you are feeling, and you can choose whether or not to let their emotions affect you.

    There are several good books about how to do this; ask for help at your local new-age bookstore.  Or contact me through Y!A and I'll be happy to walk you through the process.

  4. You need to learn how to block or you'll be miserable, especially around someone who does drugs or is drunk.  Even bus rides were horrible till I learned shielding techniques.

    Here's a good site:

    A shield can be put up to keep those feelings/connections off of you, but the hard part is recognising when it is that what you feel is NOT coming from yourself.  It takes practice.

  5. There are a number of things you can do to protect yourself.  You need to learn how to shield yourself.  You can also use gemstones to protect yourself.  

    I'm highly empathetic as well, I know how frustrating this can be.  Once you practice the shielding for a while, it sort of happens on its own, cause you have that as a steady intention.  Also, if you make meditation a regular practice in your life, it will really help.

    If you really want to get a hold on this ability, I suggest learning Reiki.  It really helps you to keep your energy yours, and keep everyone elses away from you.

    Carry some moonstone or celestite with you, and make sure to cleanse them about once a week.  You can do that by leaving them in the moonlight or sunlight for a few hours, or you can burn sage and waive the smoke over them.

    Check out the links below.

  6. You can follow the advice of others to try blocking the influences. Or you can learn to heal these often negative infuences within yourself. I experience the same aswell - but instead of blocking out the energy, I've learnt to fully absorb their emotion and cleanse it (within my own energy field) using white light - otherwise known as energy healing. They feel better and I feel better for helping them.

    -Didn't I post an answer before telling you to learn Kineseology? It can help you.

  7. i really dont know of such things-but maybe somthing on this site may help--good luck

  8. well, you can't stop it from coming in, to be honest. But what you need to do is to do is to release the emotions you take on, to ground them out.

    try the grounding and the clearing meditations on this page:

    Also, when you feel someone else's emotion, imagine white light coming down from the sky (I imagine it's from God), coming straight down into the top of your head, through every fiber of your body, on down to your toes, and it moves out the bottom of your feet, taking everything that's not yours with it. And when it goes into the ground, I like to imagine purple/violet light cleansing the energy (so as not to pollute the earth).

    You could also simply say, out loud, "all that is not mine, please leave me immediately." This one works for me most of the time, and I've gotten to the point where I release stuff now almost as soon as I feel it. But it may not work for you at first.

    You also need to find a way to protect yourself as well. I use light, white light, in a bubble similar to what Glenda the Good witch came down in the first time you see in The Wizard of Oz. But when I first started out, a bubble of purple and/or gold light worked too.

    good luck! The more you get used to your gift, the more natural this stuff will become. I don't even think about it anymore. Also, if you feel someone's pain, you might also pray and ask for a healing for that person; that's honestly why I feel other's emotions, because I'm a spiritual healer. Just ask out loud, or quietly in a prayer, or just direct a thought to God, something along the lines of, "I ask for a healing for this person." Archangel Raphael will take care of the rest. :)

    peace, love and light

  9. First off relax. the more you get stressed about this the worse it will get. trying thinking of your own thoughts and emotions and focuse on them. if your start to feel others emotions switch to thinking about something else and keep doing this until you can complete ly fight off the emotions and feelings.

  10. A good habit to get into is taking your time during the reading... allow the recipients emotions / feelings / pains catch up to the rest of the reading.  Eventually, when your recipient leaves, their pains will go with them.

    It's like a time delay.

  11. I am sorry I can't answere this for you but do you do readings for people?

  12. This is a tough one. Have not found a way to stop it. Luckily I am not strong empath. I just realize that when I feel strange it's someone around me and my illness. It passes soon. I have learned to live with it.

  13. You need to learn to close your Chakra's. There are many books and tapes on the subject, but the problem is, if you close yourself off, you won't be able to read people. ;) It's still good for everyday stuff, so that you're not constantly bombarded with emotions that aren't even your own, but if you're actually trying to read someone, you'll need to open up again....and get used to dealing with the emotions.

    I think there are some techniques out there for 'cleansing' or 're-grounding' after a reading. You may want to look into that as well.

    Good luck!

  14. You are like tofu.  You absorb the flavour of those around you.  You are a conduit for energy, we all are!  I completely understand.  You were born extra sensitive.  It would be helpful for you to study martial arts, to help you stay grounded, focus your energy, and tame your ego.  Try Tai Chi and Qi Gong lessons.  You can also learn how to clear your energy after encounters.  Always best to learn these techniques from your sensei.  And visit a Zen Shiatsu therapist to help clear any stagnation that lingers in your meridians (pathways along which energy travels).

  15. lol I have just discovered two days ago that I can get empathic pains too. I have joined this wonderful website called MYSTIC FAMILIAR and I asked one of the older members what is to be done about carrying the pain. I  had pain for a day and a half. THe first thing to do is to ground and protect. When it happened to me I was not aware that it was going to happen, I randomly sat next to a friend at work

    whose hands hurt. I thought that my hands were hurting for no reason until she mentioned that hers hurt... t hat is how I discovered that I was an empath. So now that I know each day I ground and protect and also after you are done, ask spirit to please take the pain from you as you have healed the person and now need to have spirit healing  yourself.\

  16. Hopefully, one of the psychic's out there will send you a grammar lesson via thought waves.

  17. You must learn to cleanse yourself after every sitting.

  18. Relax. Think about yourself when you get these feelings. Empty your mind. Get away from it all.

  19. if you're a psychic then you already know the answer

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