
Calling all Female Marines!!!!?

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I am enlisting as a Officer. My degree is in business management and I would like to be assigned MOS-Public Affairs Officer.

How was your boot camp experience?

How was Officer Basic School?

Did you get the MOS you wanted?

Where have you been stationed?

Is/Was your experience as expected or better/worse?

Any 411 would be great...I am excited and nervous about entering...but I want to serve my country and I want to be a MARINE!

8 minutes ago - 3 days left to answer.




  1. Well, not a Female Marine, but have enough experience in the matter.

    A few things your listing wrong.

    Enlisted people are enlisted.  Your being "Commissioned" as an Officer!!!

    Second, boot camp is for enlisted.  Your wanting Officer Candidate School.

    Third, you will be going to The Basic School after OCS.

    I will let the women describe their OCS and TBS experiences.  I personally believe you will find them challenging, honest, professional.  They are designed to see how you will function under stress, food/sleep depervation, and having to lead your peers (much harder than leading Marines).  

    Your body will ONLY be broken down during OCS.  You MUST MUST make sure you are in the best shape of your life before going.  This will put you further ahead of your competitions.

    TBS is about building you as a leader and I think is one of the MAIN differences between us and our other services.  You will be a 22 to 24yo woman in charge of Marines from 18 to 45yo.  TBS teaches you what each of those senior enlisted will give/provide you!  It builds your confidence and teaches your leadership skills that you can ONLY get from a set up like TBS!

    How well you do in TBS determines what MOS you will get.  You will give your leaders your top 10 choices in order.  The class is divided up into 1/3s.  The top of each third get their number 1 choice.  It ends up being a little more complicated than just that though.  If they think you would be the perfect "PAO", then you might end up with it.  Just concentrate on doing your best at TBS!  Your leadership style will be developed and you will be ready for your true challenges in leading Marines!

    I generally see about 80% of the Marines getting one of their top 2 or 3 choices.  The coveted ones are Infantry, Intel and Pilots.

    I ended up getting the MOS I wanted (Communications).

    Since being commissioned, I have been stationed in the following -

    Quantico, VA

    Harrisburg, PA

    Pensacola, FL

    Fort Gordon, GA

    Camp Lejeune, NC

    18 month Al Anbar Iraq

    8 months Afghanistan (ALL OVER!! Best deployment yet!)

    If you have any questions, let me know!

  2. Looks like Tim W hit it pretty good...

    One thing to remember is that your career in the military is only as good as YOU make it. Every job has it's up side and down side, the military is no exception.

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