
Calling all Home Schoolers!!?

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What's your opinion on home schooling? Is it any easier than going to a regular school or worse? Do you get things done faster? Less complicated? Just wondering. I'm starting up in a few weeks ^_^




  1. I love being home schooled, personally. Yes, you can get things done much faster. I actually had a year where I finished before everyone else and got out early for summer. I've been home schooled for about three years now, and before that I was in public school. I highly prefer home schooling to regular school. It's usually much easier and there isn't as much stress or anxiety as there is when you're attending an actual school. Also, you may think about getting involved in a home schooling group, so you can be involved with other kids doing the same thing as you!



  2. Home-education rocks! I've only ever been to a 'regular' school for five weeks of my life but, believe me, when compared to being home-educated, school was the single most boring and frustrating experience of my life. Home-ed allows you to get things done much faster and at a pace and depth that suits you (and not you + 19 other people of mixed ability, mixed enthusiasm & mixed interest).

    Home-eduction is what you make of it though, for good or bad.

  3. My teen sons are done quicker and they feel like they are learning more. It is also preparing them to be self directed learners and they have completed some junior college classes already as well.

    Best of Luck!


  4. i went too public skool all mii life till i was 13 and for abotu a year or a half a year i was home-skooled overcoming a illness and i personally did not enjo it just cos i am so used too being around people and everything so im starting skool agen in  a few days but its a new one but at least i have experienced it btu it does have ALOT of upsides...but alos...a lot of downsides...  

  5. I LOVE IT!

    It is easier because you get more one on one attentions and can work the problems aloud!

    It is about the same maybe a little harder the public.

    Yes I get things done SO much faster school can be done by LUNCH if I want it to!

    Yes it is MUCH less complicated Because your mom can explain it to you to where YOU understand it and the WHOLE class won't go on without you!


    I hope you LOVE it as much as I do!

  6. Ouch, Betty's spelling and Grammar is making my eyes bleed.

  7. OMG I LOVE IT!!!!!

    The Teenagers in my high scool were completely immature. They cared more for s*x, drugs, drinnking etc then there education. They were all trying to be gangster or emo, and I just didn't fit in.

    I love video games and alcohol as much as the next person but I still know I need to do my school work.

    Home school got me out of my High School when I got depressed and suicidal and now I'm doing loads better.

    Maybe if I didn't life in the ghetto Public Schools would be okay, but for people that actually want to do their work, it is a peaceful, quiet, and relaxed enviorment to do so.  

  8. I absolutely LOVE it. Public school was TOO EASY for me. With homeschooling, I actually get a challenge. The work keeps me thinking, but it isn't boring or repetitive. I do get done a lot faster. Even how that I'm duel enrolled in college, all my schoolwork only takes me about three and a half hours, four and a half if you include assignments given to me by the college. I'm not sure what you mean by less complicated though.  

  9. I think it's great!  I can't wait to homeschool my kids someday!  Usually I had my school work done in a few hours.  Sometime more, sometimes less.  I think it was lass complicated because I didn't have to deal with all the drama and c**p that goes on in public school.  It also allowed me to be in loads of activities and take classes at the community college while in high school.  I can't really compare it to anything else besides college because I never went to school until college.  I will say that after going my own pace and always having homeschool friends who were as dedicated to their school as I was, it has been challenging finding friends at college who aren't there for partying and who truly care about their education.  It's also frustrating to have to move at the same pace as everyone else in the class, whether it's faster or slower than you want to go.  But overall, these are minor things.  I wouldn't trade my homeschooling education for any other way.

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