
Calling all backflip experts on the trampoline?

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how do you do a backflip on a trampoline




  1. For me, it's a little undescribable.  Just throw yourself backwards.  When i tried the backflip for the first time, i was afraid i would break my neck and become paralyzed.  

    Use a Trampoline that has you strapped in.  This tramp has two big poles on opposite sides of the tramp, rubber lines come from the top and meet at the bottom, there is a harness that keeps you in and helps prevent you from messing up or falling off the tramp.  It's really helpful, if you try to do a backflip and you don't make the full flip, the harness and rubber lines will stop you from hitting the trampoline.  

    You can find this kind of trampoline at any festival or state festival, or some kind of place that offers amusement rides.

    That's how i got the practice, i only did it once though, but when i got home i tried it on my own trampoline.  i didn't do it very well, but i practiced a little more and i got it down.

    it snows here a lot and i don't use it often during the winter.  i say this cause during the summer my sister (and her friend) were using it, i was inside watching TV.  my sister is older than me, her friend was off the tramp and watching her do some tricks.  When she landed on her knees she ripped right through the tramp and broke it.  i heard it from the open window, it sucks now cause it will cost $800 dollars to fix it!

  2. remove all doubt from your mind. use your arms to change your direction in the air.

  3. For goodness sake DO NOT just throw backwards! My friend tried this and just about broke his neck! I have taught many people how to do backflips and I can do so here. I have great experiance because i have been diving club for four years. And own my own trampoline where I do crazy c**p, like a back double (flips)

    I will try to explain this as well as i can. First you want a big bounce for your first time so you'll have more time for your flip

    Next i find that it is helpful to look backward at the peak of your jump. Arch your back and try to bring your feet around. Try to imagine an upside down "J", where the long straight part represents your jump and the end of the curve your head looking on and the curve the path of your legs.

    Keep looking back and eventually you'll see the ground where you'll want to put your feet down (these are the easiest flips to land)

    Also you want to start fliping at the top of your jump so you can control the backflip and it is way less dangerous. My friend didn't even jump once, but just threw it, his head slid along the mat with his body following, almost broke his neck as well!

    My philosophy is, "Everyone knows how to do a backflip, but the fear of actually doing it clouds it" in other words try it, going backwards is the weairdest feeling of a flip, but you just need to try it!

    By the way backflips are my favorite stunts to do on the trampoline! I almost can do them on the ground, hey you can do that next! lol

    Hope this helps

  4. ok ur gunna want to stand in the center of the tramopline and jump as high as u can, right wen u leave the ground start flipping as fast as u can an at first wen u land put ur hands down to see if u landed it, PRACTICE

  5. I have answered this question several times on yahooanswers, so i hope you do not mind if I do not re-type it again here!

    I have written step-by-step instructions here on "ehow"

    I have also produced a video with step by step instructions on my own website

    The backflip is much easier than a front flip, but it's hard to convince your head of that!

    Good Luck

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