
Calling all bosses! I have a question!

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How would you like your employee to handle a situation where another employee is talking horribly about you. Examples such as "i hate him, I want to punch him, He is a ******* idiot, a*****e, I want him to fire me so I can collect unemplyment." Would you want to know about this?




  1. Yes, I think it would be a good idea to tell your boss.  It doesn't make you a tattletale or whatever- it's essential for everyone in the workplace to get along.  I am the boss at a small company and I've had people not like me before.  Issues get in the way of productivity,

  2. This is a tough one.  And it actually happened to me several years ago when one of my employees was overhead saying these types of things about me.  

    From a bosses' point of view, this type of person is a disruption to the process.  I had been working very hard to create a place that was fun to work, and where people felt valued and appreciated.  This one person had the potential to destroy everything I had been building, as well as destroying the peace of everyone around.

    One of my other employees came to me very humbly, and with deep regret, letting me know that this was happening.  I could tell that he was very sincere in his distaste for "tattling."  If he had come gleefully, I would have probably seen him as an opportunist.  But because of his attitude, I appreciated the heads-up.

    I dug around and found that all was true.  I dismissed the person and witnessed a collective sigh of relief settle over the rest of my employees.

    Moral of the story...tell your boss.  But do so in a humble and non-opportunist manner, and with the understanding that it is to remain confidential.

    Good luck.

  3. no cuz i honeswtly wouldnt care

  4. Do not get involved in office politics. It will make you appear childish and will almost always backfire, regardless of your intent.

  5. I would only advise management if the employee is making actual threats about the boss or the business.  Otherwise, you put yourself out there more than you need to.  Continue to do your job and do it well and most likely this problem will work itself out on its own.

  6. Job wouldnt last too long.

    The reason is when one starts disliking his/her boss, they will decrease the amount of work they put into their job, which will show over a certain amount of time.

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