
Calling all cichlids breeders??

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i wont to breed my pair of electric yellows there in a community tank for about a week (since i brought them) if i leave them in there with electric blues will they breed or should i but them in a tank by them self's




  1. Electric blues are Malawi Haps.  Electric Yellows are Mbuna.  They are not closely enough related to hybridize.

  2. john is exactly right they are totally different. if you have a pair of yellow labs they will breed in a tank with others. they will not breed with haps. I myself never mix cichlids. I have 17 tanks and each has its own species. I have 55 gal tanks with 3 peacocks in them that only get 5 inches each. they are a breeding trio and very happy being in a tank that size. the best thing to do is get 4 to 6 fish at the same time put them in a tank and let them pair off. cichlids are very hard to tell male from female until they are older so its easier to get more fish so when you get a pair you can take the others and sell them or trade for other things you need. that's how i do it.

  3. You need to know how to s*x them first sort of like what birdy said, and yes, these two fish are close enough related, you could end up with a hybrid, but given that the EB's usually get much larger then the Yellows, I wouldn't see this happening.

    I've bred this species several times in the past, and have a group of one month old grow outs right now.  Unless you know you have a male and female, the whole question is really moot.  You would be better off not grouping them with the Electric Blues however.

  4. Hi,

    Yeah they will breed in the tank and may even hybrid with the electric blues. However i would not say that you have a pair because it is highly unlikely that you will get a male and female out of a tank. Normally if you want to breed a species of fish then you need to startoff with four or more as it is highly unlikely that you will get all the same s*x.

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