
Calling all creative people!!!?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, I need to write a paper for English...

don't ask, it's a long story.

but it's going to be about a girl who somehow has the ability to either make superheroes come to life by writing about them or can give herself superpowers by writing down what she wants to do at that given time...

ok, now I'm trying to think of an origin story and I'm drawing a blank. Any creative ideas about how she may have obtained her powers or realized that she had them?

the next task is deciding what cause she is fighting for, but I'm still working on that...

any suggestions would really help...thank you so so so much!




  1. how about she dreams that she has these powers only to realise that these dreams are  in fact "real life" which in turn can also be her struggle/fight to determine what is real and what is not.

    as for origin she needs a basis like a spark or thought that has occurred to her, maybe something simple. like  something falling over, like a glass of milk that reminds her of a story her garndmother told her while eating milk and cookies but in fact the story was one of her grandmothers "dreams/realities"passing on the "power" to her.

    i hope that helps?

  2. How's hereditary and only effects the 7th daughter of the 7th daughter?  Just a thought.

  3. how about if she does this in her dreams but it is true in her real life as well,so in her dreams she can address all her concerns.

  4. Me and you talkiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng...

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