
Calling all enivronmentalists...?

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ok fellow environmentalists i need ur help...right now ive been assigned to help spread environmental awarness amongest fellow teenagers..15 to 18 yrs 18 and im having a hard time convincing ppl myself...but now im in this team consisting of a girl of my age and and older woman...who both dont have much experience with the environmental issues as i do...but u see the problem is ..we are asked to make this awarness campain a fun one....u know to attract teenagers attention....but the thing is where i come from most guys are interested in i need ur help ppl.. ineed u to suggest games or anything else to make this campain a fun attractive one and at the same time spreading the word of SAVING THE WORLD!!!.......pls....i need ur help.




  1. When i started to make this,it was meant as an Environmental awareness lesson for high school kids in a Mexican town.

    Maybe you see something there that you like

    there are a lot of links to other answers and some youtubes

    Coca cola is not exactly a green company,they refuse to do anything about recycling their bottles which litter the country side in Mexico,But it is a very good product to clean toilets and truck engines.

  2. wow thats pretty cool to get a sponsorship like that...

    here is a link with info you can use..if people are motivated to do things for money reasons its usually better than "save the planet" reasons

    have the other 2 work on HOW TO PROMOTE and you can work on the environmental facts...

    "what will you do with the GREEN you save by GOING GREEN?"

    have them write sign something and write down their answer?

  3. How did you get into this campaign? Your school?  Cause I've been looking to get involved in one. Although I'm 21

  4. Well, the first thing that springs to mind, especially considering your sponsor, is that you can get paid cash for recycling pop cans.  The amount fluctuates depending on the market, and it might also make a difference as to how much you bring in at once.  It's best to crush the cans so they don't take up as much room when you're storing them.

    This has the additional incentive of being a relatively easy way for teens to earn extra money to spend...on cars or anything else.

    Freecycling is a good way to recycle non-recyclable stuff (for example, household items)...and get free stuff:

    Maybe you'll find additional inspiration at these sites:

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