I'm trying to install a Agere Win Modem. The Device manager recognizes it, but no matter what I try, it responds that there is no dial tone. It came with a driver disc(no help so far). I've searched for HOURS to find a driver that will work with my machine. I have a feeling that this one may come down to experience. I'm a bit of a geek myself so, yes, I've checked my connections etc.
Modem Specs(to the best of my knowledge):
Agere V.92 56k Data+Fax Modem Version 8.30
Lucent 1646 chipset(also referred to as Mars)
Current Driver V.8.30
PC Specs:
Dell Optiplex GX260
P4, 3.06GHz
Windows XP Pro / SP2(Updated)
I would like to be able to use the V.92 features especially MOH.
Modemsite.com claims to have drivers as a "Premium"(paid) service, but they're the only ones I've found.
Ask for any details you need & I'll try to post.