
Calling all horse lovers!!?

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I always love to hear inspiational stories about horses and their just post your crazy,funny, whatever story and the one with the best I will vote as best answer!!thanks




  1. and my daddy were riding western through a grass field, and  we were on this 23 year old qh gelding, and he decided that he wanted to rol in the grass, so we had to jump off real quick...i was only like 12 and had not been riding very long...i was scared!!! ha ha

  2. On my first lesson when i was about 10 or 11, i rode a Grey quarter horse mare named Paige. We were walking around in the round pen, me on her back and she decides that she needs to have a nice roll right there. So she starts to go down onto her knees. Being my first lesson, i had no clue what she was doing. My instructor starts screaming "jump off!, jump off!" and so i did but just in time. I turned around and there she was rolling with the saddle on and everything. I was a bit afraid to ride her after that, but i eventually got over my fear and now at 14, i have a horse of my own.

  3. When i was about 6 or 7 i had a 11.2hh palomino welsh mountain pony and she was so brilliant because she was so quiet but would always do as i asked. One day i was in my Field jumping. We had just landed after a jump and she decided that she wanted to eat grass. I fell off and my pony stood on my hand. I was trying to push her off my hand but the more i pushed the more she pushed back. My mum was shouting for me to get up but I couldn't move!! Eventually mum realised there was something wrong and came up 2 me and pushed the pony off. Luckily nothing was broken. This is quite funny now but it wasn't at the time!!

  4. I have one, its kind of crazy, and mixed up.

    So i am 15 now, but when i was first starting to ride when i was 9, i rode total bombproof horses. Then one summer when i was 11/12 maybe, I got assigned two horses to look after at my horse camp. One, Tiger, a 15 year old 15.2 hand totally laid back, QH. He was soo Sweet. The other,Merlin, an 18 year old abused 16.1 hand QH that would stop out of nowhere and turn sideways, and not move, no matter what i did.  So i was pretty much in love with Tiger, and he turned into my lesson horse. He taught me everything i know. When i was 13, i rode one of my friends horses, and had a bad fall. Tiger was the one that helped me through it. Then last year, hes now 19 i think,( i only used him for flat,  i use a younger horse for jumping) we were going through flying lead changes.(he still has alot of energy!) It was probably 30+ out, and he was hot. Well on one change, everything happened so fast. He fell(me coach said he got to heated, and kinda had a blackout type thing ) I dont remember anything, but he went down, fast, rolling all the way over onto his back. I was on the ground by then, but what i hadnt realized, was that i had saved his life. When he was going down, i apparently almost had him back up, instinctively. My coach said if i hadnt done what i did,(without me knowing it!) he probably would have injured his neck. The best part is, noone was hurt, i got a saddle sore, but he got right back up, and we hosed him down. Its been a year since then, and he moved to a different stable. I am now buying my own horse, a 6 yr old 16.1 hand TB. But i will always remember Tiger. He was my firs love♥

  5. I lived in Montana when I was younger and I would go out riding in the mountains. I was riding one day and I ventured onto a frozen pond but I did not relize it because it was covered with snow. The horse I was riding started slipping on the ice (he wasn't walking like horses normally should).I

    got towords the middle and my horse fell over. Where I landed the ice was very thin so it cracked and I fell in the water. My horse Stardust was a little shocked and did not know what to do but then he bent down and bit a piece of my coat I was wearing and dragged me out of the water. By that time the water had been so cold that I could not feel much. I got onto Stardust and he took me home. When I got home my parents immediatly took me to the hospital, and I was there for two days because of the condition of my frostbite, from the coldness of the water. If it wasn't for Stardust I don't think that I would be alive right now, and if I was I don't think I would be walking or using my arms and hands.

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