
Calling all men... or females who know the male anatomy well!?

by  |  earlier

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Hi there,

Just have a question, and I dont want to ask my boyfriend because clearly he wont give me the answer I'm looking for..

If a man doesn't ejaculate for a few days, do his testicles hurt?

I'm wondering if it is kind of like breastfeeding women.. when their b*****s are full, they hurt, so I was wondering if it's the same type of thing with males, or just an excuse to get laid! Thanks :)




  1. it's just an excuse 2 get laid.

    the only way his balls will starts 2 hurts is if he hasn't *** in years & that condition is called HAVING BLUE BALLS.

  2. No, but a lot of men use that excuse to get a girl to give them oral or to have vaginal s*x. It's a myth. And if it was a problem well... every guy knows how to deal with that himself!

    (And ALL men m********e all the time, whether they have a wife/gf or not! Don't believe a man who tells you he doesn't :-)

  3. ur boyfriend really jus wants to get laid men are different than women we may get horny alot more but that's about it

  4. Stella-

    b*****s and testes are different!  No surprise, I hope. Guys think about s*x frequently, like many times a day, or is it every 5 minutes, from age 12 till their last breath.  Younger guys, with higher testosterone male hormones get erections more frequently and a strong desire for relief, either with or without a partner.

    Human males start producing sperm cells in the testicles when they reach puberty . . . millions and millions of cells every day. A single sperm is about 1/600th of an inch long, from tiny head to tiny tail. All of these cells develop in the testicles in a system of miniature tubes.

    Sperm use their tadpole-like tails first for traveling to a place on the side of the t******e called the epididymis, where they hang out for about 4 to 6 weeks completing their development. Then they head over to the sperm duct, or vas deferens, where they join up with seminal fluid for their final journey.

    During sexual intercourse, sperm is forced out of the guy's body through his urethra. This process of ejaculation liberates up to 500 million sperm at a time.

    So-o-o, the testes do NOT turn blue or become overfilled with sperm.  Only the urge to merge becomes great.  If you are not available and willing to help relieve his "pressure" he can take care of it himself as he has already done numerous times.  It's great that you are so concerned about his sexual health.  I hope he is equally concerned about you and not becoming a parent too soon.

  5. The true answer is NO. It is somewhat uncomfortable however for a male to be very sexually stimulated for an extended amount of time and not finish off by ejaculating. Be aware, this discomfort only lasts for a brief while. Your BF is BS'ing you. Tell him to change brands of underwear  to something that'll free up his jewels in the hot weather. If you don't particularly feel the need for any type of s*x at this point tell him to take care of his own problem.

  6. No you feel okay but some men get the urge to ejaculate.

  7. If a man is repeatedly sexually aroused with no o****m, he can get 'blue balls'...but only after a long time.  Most men take care of this before it gets to be a problem.  If a man is telling you this to get you to have s*x with him, he is a lair. :-)

  8. no, the body regulates its own production but if hes exposed with sexual stimulation and isnt allowed to ejaculate, like hes being kissed constantly then his balls feel "tight" and theres tension. but its not because of sperm. but they hurt then.  

  9. men are horny all day every day but what he is telling you is wrong,he just wants some p---y

  10. No when they don't ejaculate, it just gets stored in the testes. They might get excited and bust a load, but that's about all.

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