
Calling all mommies! its my son's first day of school! ?

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My son is 4 years old. Since he was born, Its always been me and him doing different things at home, giong to the park etc.

Thursday will be his first day of school! He will be in P-K!

Today we went to meet his teacher, she was very nice along with the 2 others teachers aids. He took to them very well. Wasnt shy or anything like he usaully is. when we left we was talking about him going to school in a few days, and he seems really excited to go!

Now me on the other hand! I'm a mess! I'm scared! I'm so scared he's gonna get lost, hurt, scared etc! I've got myself so worked up I cant see straight! My stomach hurts! My head hurts! I cant sleep, cause I dream about crazy stuff happening! The more I try the closer Thursday gets and the worse I feel!

I talked to his teacher explaining all this to her, and she said that there are alotta mommies that a very nerves! and it will go away in time!

My husband tells me its ok and he will be fine!

I'm just soo scared something will happen to him! I'm whole heartedly 110% all about my son! in everyway possible!

What is wrong with me! i'm excited for him, but soo scared all at the same time! Is any of this really ok, like my husband and the teachers says!? Are there other mommies that feel this way to! Am i going crazy? What is wrong with me??????




  1. i'm not a mom but i went 2 school. the teachers will be always watching him so he won't get lost. the worst he could get hurt is by falling at the playground and scraping his knee, but they will clean the cut and bandage him up. hope this helped

  2. Your anxiety is normal it happens to the best of us. It is hard but very necessary to let go of his hand at least for a few hours. You will feel better after he gets home from school and you see what a fantastic time he had and the friends he made. Good luck.

  3. Oh it's awful isn't it? I was exactly the same and now she has been there for three terms I am so fine! I look forward to seeing her come out all excited to show me her pictures...I also quite like the free time in the day! But I never thought I'll get to see a new side to your son and it will be fab!

  4. well first off its totally natural to feel this way. im 37 weeks prego and already am feeling the nerves about where to take him to day care and how will i know that he is safe there. some things you can try are talking to the teacher and principal about coming in one day as an observer. my dad did that with me when i went to pre k only because they had heard some nasty rumors about the teachers that werent true. over the next couple days make some fun memories with him take pictures when you go out to play and especially when he gets ready for school and in front of the school. make an album out of it. this might help you relax a little and focus on the fun times youre having as your little guys grows up. the biggest thing is to not let him know youre worried about him going. it may get him scared, and it sounds like he really likes school. but mom youre gonna get nervous. just wait to he goes to college!!! :)  

  5. Nothing wrong with you it's normal. Every mother feels these fears in some way or another. Look schools are super careful with the little ones. They have experience in this. and I have 3 kids of my own plus keep them in my home, you'll be surprised at how well your children will act for someone else rather that their own parents.Not to mention how good they are at listening to someone other than their own parents.

    take a deep breathe and let go (just a little) :)

  6. I'm going through the exact same thing. My son will be starting pre-school next Tuesday. It is very nerve- wrecking. I think that all of what you are going through is natural. I feel the exact same way. My son keeps telling me that he is so excited to go and I really am happy for him, but nervous at the same time. I think that you should just try and be happy for him. You are not going crazy. If he is excited, be excited for him too. If he see's that you are upset or nervous, he might pick up on that too. If he picks up that you are upset, he will be nervous. If you keep the enivironment happy at home, he will do great at school! Good Luck, hon.  

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