
Calling all moms!!!?

by Guest63019  |  earlier

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I need some input on what other moms feed their kids. My son is almost 9 months old and isn't eating jar food anymore. I want some interesting RECIPES and different ways to prepare food. I give him mostly organic food but I think he deserves more than just diced carrots and bananas, etc. Any input would be great. Also what kind of peppers can they have? I am from New Orleans and love flavors and spice and would like my son to be exposed to different flavors as well.




  1. at nine months he can eat what you're eating...obviously cut tiny and well cooked....but breastmilk should still be his main source of nutrition at this age

  2. ok Gnocchi - spinach and feta with Italian tomato sauce


    300 g baby spinach leaves, washed and trimmed

    350 g marinated feta, drained

    40 g parmesan cheese, grated

    1 egg

    2 teaspoons fresh thyme, finely chopped

    1/2 cup plain flour

    black pepper, freshly ground

    Italian tomato sauce

    2 tablespoons olive oil

    2 cloves garlic, finely chopped

    1 x400g can tomatoes, chopped

    1/2 cup vegetable stock

    1/4 cup white wine

    pinch sugar

    ground black pepper, freshly

    2 tablespoons basil leaves, finely chopped


    1. Preheat oven to 120°C.

    2. Line a baking tray with non-stick baking paper.

    3. Place spinach leaves in a saucepan with 2 tablespoons water, cover, bring to the boil, then reduce heat and simmer briefly until leaves have wilted. Drain and refresh under cold water. Squeeze out the excess water.

    4. Place the spinach, 200g of the feta, the Parmesan, egg and thyme in the bowl of a food processor. Process until the mixture is combined and season with pepper to taste. Place the processed mixture in a bowl, add the flour and mix with a wooden spoon until just combined.

    5. While the tomato sauce is cooking, shape the spinach and feta mixture into 12 oval shaped dumplings using 2 dessertspoons and place the dumplings on the lined tray - making sure they do not touch.

    6. Bring a large saucepan of salted water to the boil.

    7. Place half of the gnocchi dumplings in the boiling water and cook, uncovered, for 6 minutes. The dumplings will rise to the surface half way through cooking. Remove the cooked dumplings with a slotted spoon and place in an ovenproof dish. Cover the dish with foil and place in the preheated oven to keep warm while repeating the process with the remaining 6 gnocchi.

    the best thing is its

    Suitable to microwave

    Nut free and



  4. You can mash up just about any fruit or vegatable to give to your little one.  You should avoid salt and butter.  Adding some spices would be fine as long as you give it a few days to make sure he's not allergic to the spice.  I find that if your baby doesn't  like something the first time around he may like it if you keep offering it as long as he doesn't show a strong aversion to it the first time.  I used to give my daughters peanut butter on warm toast and the peanut butter would melt into the toast so it wasn't likely to cause choking.  You could cut it up into small pieces for him to pick up with his fingers.  Small pieces of cereal are good also, I found the best cereals to be chex because they crush easily to keep from causing choking.  Just give your baby the foods you are having for your meal.

  5. try to make an ice cream with an ingrediends of vegetables or something nutrional for your son
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