
Calling all mother who have had a c-section and natural birth

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I had my son almost 4 months ago through an emergency c-section (while I had planned a home ironic!) It took me a good 6 weeks to recover and even after that I got tired a lot quicker than usual for a few weeks.

How long did it take you to recover from your cesarean and how long from your natural birth?

Also, how long after you had your c-section did you get pregnant again? They told me to wait 1.5 years.





  1. I can't stress to you enough..find a doctor that will allow you to do a choice of my life! I too delivered my first daugther after 22 hours of labor and 3 1/2 hours of that was pushing by c-section!! My recovery felt endless..when she was about 2 1/2 months old is when I finally felt like me again. She was 14 months old when I got pregnant again..and I didn't want to get a different doctor I LOVED my I put up a huge fight and begged through out my entire pregnancy for him to like me go VBAC..FINALLY I went into pre-term labor at 35 weeks and begged..he finally agreed..but only if he was the doctor on call..I got lucky and he was and she came was beautiful and I was playing softball at my family reunion only 9 days later!! Just research your risks and make your chioce..but make sure your doctor will agree! Best of luck!

  2. I had Emma via emergency c section.  I was recovered well by two weeks.  I got pregnant when she was seven months old.

  3. It took me 1 day to fully recover from natural labor. It's my first baby and my labor was all natural didn't use any medications and had no terring.

  4. They told you to wait because they have to cut open your stomach and it needs time to heal and strengthen enough to support the weight of pregnancy.  I had both my kids naturally and the first took about 2 weeks before I felt normal again and the second one I was up and about ten minutes after giving birth.  I felt great.

  5. I too had a c-section but I also was in the hospital for 5 days after wards with a 101 fever and I still breastfeed the entire time and it took around I say 3-4 weeks before i wasn't hurting anymore But now I'm preggo with # two and my daughter is around 15 months.

  6. I am not sure if you are looking for experiences from women who have gone through both a natural and c-section delivery or not, but I had a natural home birth 6 months ago.  I had 3rd degree tearing.  My energy level was great the first week even though I was very sleep deprived, then it started to catch up with me, but it didn't seem like I was more tired than I expected to be.  It took about 2 weeks PP before I could sit normally, and about 2 more before things didn't really feel uncomfortable.  I didn't totally heal, tissue wise, for about 9 weeks.

    When I have my second baby I definitely plan on having him/her at home.

  7. After natural childbirth the recovery was very quick. Basically I could do anything (including exercising) after 2-3 days. With C -section 6-10 days for regular daily activity, exercise about 6 months. (I do lots of sit ups could not do it with injured stomach muscles.) After C-section I was also tired and got sick often, I guess my body needed to recover from the surgery.

    My friend had natural birth after C-section, the kids are 2 years apart (she had no complications, she has 5 kids the 4th kid was C-section). I hope this helps.

  8. i had my baby girl by natural birth and i was fine probably 1 weel later.

  9. Hello

    My mother recently had a C section and it took her a long time to recover. About the same time it took you. The doctor told her to wait three years before getting pregnant again

    As for natural birth, I have seen women recover in less then a week.

  10. The pain from the c-section was gone within 2-3 weeks, however, I think it took a good month to feel emotional and physically well.

    My obgyn told me to wait a year to get pregnant again but my husband and I are going to try at the end of this month. ((Our daughter is 10months)

  11. it really only took me a few weeks to recover fully.  it went very well for me and i healed very quickly.  i was out going to the store with my son within 2 weeks of having the c-section.

    i am pregnant again and i had my c-section 7 months ago (i am 2 months pregnant) - i was planning to wait until baby was about 9 months to start trying again but it happened before that.  

    i really want to have a VBAC but my doctor says i need to have repeat c-section because it will be so close to the last one. (she said for a vaginal birth they like to see 2 years in between).

  12. hi i had my son naturally 9 weeks ago i delivered him naturally and ended up having several stitches which were a little uncomfortable but  thankfully all healed up within 4 weeks but i still am tired alot and have started taking my iron again but overall im feeling fine.My doc told that it takes your body up to a year to recover internally from from trauma of giving birth,and they told u to wait 1.5 years because the weight you carry when your pregnant can put pressure on your c-section scar

  13. i had natural births with both my kids, with #1 it took me 2 or 3 weeks to start feeling better and even after that i was worn out for awhile. #2 was easier, felt good in a week or 2. I think every birth is different though and depending on how your hard labor & pushing was can take a long time to recover even from a natural birth.  


  15. I had a natural birth and had nearly no recovery time. (( Keep in mind I did tear and dealt with that being painful and healing for weeks ))  But as far as being up and about and having energy I felt fine when I left the hospital.

  16. I was planning on having a natural birth but had an unplanned c-section as well. The outer incision heals withink 6 weeks, but it takes that inner incision much longer. It takes about 4 months, but your body really doesn't totally heal for about one year. I think this is why they told you 1.5 years to wait for another baby. But, I don't think it would be "the end of the world" if you got pregnant before that. It is for your safety. C-sections are major surgery...I mean, your gut was cut open, so it definately is wiser to give your body some time and let it rest before planning another baby.

  17. Yes wait a year and a half because your cut needs time to heal. It would be worst if you were to have another child in that recovery time. I recovered 6 weeks after birth-and i was extremely tired . Try taking vitamins- They help you a lot. Or have a balanced diet. Like Orange Juice in the morning. Etc! And i am not pregnant and do have any intentions to poppng babies out left and right.

  18. I had natural births both times and recovered in under 2 weeks both times.

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