
Calling all parakeet Breeders!?

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I have an ALL yellow parakeet that is a female.

and i want to get an all white parakeet mael for them to mate.

what color do you think the babies would be??




  1. first thng is dont breed you have no idea what cher doing and i dont want the birds to end up suffering for it. It would really depend what colour the paretns of the budgies you have nows moms and dads look like, its all from generations you dont just get mom and dads jkeans, you mostlikely gert grandmas and grandpas too.

  2. Are you talking white as in dark eyed white? or albino? I breed parrotlet mutations. White is a heterozygous mutation. The dark eyed white is actually dilute (dilute blue for parrotlets). It is a mutation that carries two sets of blue and yellow genes- the blue cancels the yellow out in the bird and the yellow cancels the grey out, so you end up with a powdery blue almost white bird with black eyes.

    If you got a all white bird and mated with an all yellow..your babies would all be yellow split to blue. Split to blue because your white bird is carrying the blue recessive gene. I know this probably sounds confusing. Your best bet to get white yellow , blue and green parakeets would be to get a green split to yellow and blue, and mate it to a blue split yellow or yellow split blue. That would give you clutches of 3 different mutations plus the wild color green.

    Albino is a different story if that is what you are refering to. It is a s*x linked mutation in parakeets, meaning that the albino gene was carried by the father and given to that bird. To get an albino parakeet you would need a visual albino hen, and a male split to albino.

  3. I have a white & black female who mated with a dark blue & black male and we ended up with 5 chicks. One of them is plain white with a little bit of yellow on his head. Two of them look alot like dad- blue & black except they have some yellow feathers on their heads. One is just black and white. The last one doesn't have all his feathers yet but I think he's going to be blue & white with a little yellow on his head. Neither of the parents have yellow on them but 4 of the babies do so I don't think you can ever be sure what color you'll end up with. My oldest baby- the white one is pretty much completely white. Just looking at him he stands out so much that you would never guess he came from his parents or from the same crop as the other chicks.

    Like the first person who answered I also don't suggest breeding if you don't know what you're doing. These are a lot more complicated than breeding say- mice or hamsters, etc. The chicks are very fragile and if the parents don't take care of them they are INCREDIBLY difficult to care for and easy to accidentally kill. Please do a ton of research & have them seen by a vet before attempting to breed.

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