
Calling all people who like Webkinz?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, so you know when your on Webkinz World and you her the you-who sound when one of your friends are on??? Ya well, I have not been on Webkinz for like 3 days now and all I hear is you-who you-who and I don't have any programs opened!!! Freaky!!! Webkinz are haunting me!! LOLz




  1. lol

    Im not sure what you should do maybe email Webkinze they will help!!

    ( hopefully)

  2. thats wierd...

  3. lol

  4. IDK

  5. Weird!

    But you want to know something freakier?

    I was on Webkinz, and this Webkinz Unicorn was in my room. And I don't have a Unicorn! Very weird. It had a blue dress on and had red on its eyes! SCARY! Also, my friend was on Webkinz, then her friend's Webkinz came to her room, (HER FRIEND WASN'T ON!!!) and made a circle around her Webkinz! And like her Webkinz was sitting down! I didn't believe this at first, BUT she went on her account and showed me. The Webkinz hadn't budged. She tried calling Webkinz - it didn't work. Anyway, freaky things happen now and then, try not to freak out.


  6. LOL :)


  7. LOL:)!

  8. How many webkinz do you have maybe your webkinz is lonely or something?? My webkinz has never done this so i am pretty sure you need to buy more!!!

  9. it still means they are coming on

  10. ok, kinda creepy, kinda funny!  it happened to me, too.  just don't go on for a week then it will go away at least it did for me!

  11. It may mean that your friends are logging on and then changing zones.  I have a simple way to fix it, too,. better than staying offline for a week: Turn off the volume.

  12. sadly the only way to stop it is to lave them alone for a week.

    the same thing happened to me and it was very freaky.

    I heard from a friend that you can also just cancel your account.

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