My toilet is taking ages to fill back up after flushing, my plumbing is insured with British Gas so I phoned them and they sent Dyno-rod out, and the plumber said I had no stop tap for my toilet at all inside the house. There is a stop tap for the kitchen and bathroom sink, but it doesn't shut off the water to the toilet and bath taps for some bizarre reason. He then said I would have to call an in dependant plumber to turn the water off from outside (as they are not allowed to do that under my insurance) and once the water was off call them back out and they'll replace the washer. He said "It's literally a 5 minute job".
Is it possible I can change the washer myself and turn off the water from outside (I am a 25 year old female living in the UK) as plumbers are expensive and I've not got a lot of money, and there are no males in my life who could help me.
Thanks to anyone who can help me!!!!