
Calling all poets?!?

by  |  earlier

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I am very uncreative, and I am looking for a short poem thanking guests at a graduation party. Can anyone help me out?




  1. Thank you dear guests

    For using the restroom

    For hurting the toilet paper

    For without you

    The toilet paper would be free

    To roam and be happy

    Yet you came

    And ended the life of the toilet paper

    So thank you

    Thank you for using the restroom

  2. Thanks!

    Thanks for the memories

    Through all thats brought me here

    Thank you for the laughter

    Thanks for all the cheer

    I'll take a piece of you with me

    Everywhere I go

    On the beach of some far off island

    Or as I shuffle through the snow

    I hope that you remember me fondly

    As I will always remember you

    Best wishes to you and your family

    I hope to see you again soon.

  3. Do you remember

    The days when we

    Would wish for school

    To cease to be?

    Now that it's over

    And I look back

    I find myself

    Losing track

    Of what it meant to me

    To be a student

    Without the responsibility

    Of living independently.

    As I thank you all for joining me

    In this celebration

    Of our graduation

    I hope you live life

    Day to day

    And never wish the years away.

    Not the best poem, I know, but I tried my best to help! It doesn't have perfect rythm or rhyming soo you might want to make some changes to make it more personal, or something. Or just disregard it if you don't like it!

  4. through my eyes i have achieved happyness

    through yours i hope i have achieved the same

    my mum and dad have supported me well

    times were hard

    times were rough

    times were teary

    and i wept

    i wept and wept until i was dry

    i couldnt help but cry

    but i pulled through

    im happy and filled with excitement

    i cant see my future

    so i must be brave

    and walk into the unknown

    with my head held high!
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