
Calling all vets an horse peopel!!! Need help mare has swolen eye???

by  |  earlier

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Ok, I have miniature horses and my mare is at the top of the food chain and picks on a gelding bigger than her and they get into fights a lot. This mare has had a crusty eye for the past couple of days and now her eye is big and swolen. I looked under her eyelid and her eyeball has a bruise coloring right above her brown eye colororing on the upper membrane. Plz help I need to know what to do






  1. Um, a vet would be your best bet.  Infections in the eye are never a good thing.  In the meantime you can use an eyewash for people that is available at any drugstore.  If you have a flymask to keep they eye protected from dirt and dust it would be helpful.  Then get a vet out!  You might also need to separate the horses.

  2. She should be seen by the vet asap....eye injuries can be very serious, and it should be treated promptly and correctly.

  3. She probably hit her eye on something, or the other gelding somehow hit her eye, and now she has a hemmorage (bruise or buildup of fluid on the eye).  Call the vet out, you will have to put eyedrops and some paste in her eye for a few days, and she will need bute

  4. Don't wait any longer, never mess around with an eye injury. Please call a vet to come out and take care of this. I am sure your horse is in alot of pain.

  5. i would call the vet they should look at it  

  6. A vet is the appropriate person to evaluate your horse's injury....anything to do with the eye can be very "touchy" your vet ASAP!!  Corneal contusions and bruises aren't anything you want to ignore.

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