
Calling all web users! Natural Candle website - could I have some feedback?

by  |  earlier

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Hi fellow yahoo-ers

I have recently set up a website to display my natural candles & I would love some feedback on it

any constructive advice would be helpful as this is my first attempt :)

Really, any advice or feedback will be appreciated, I'd really like to know how it appears and appeals to other web-users! And of course, any improvements that could be made, as it's really for a good cause! (stamping out harmful paraffin candles & the toxins they emit)

thanks in advance!




  1. It is really nice.  It is clearly laid out, has sufficient and well-marked links, and provides background as well as retailing information.  The photograph on the Ionic Lyte page could be clearer, though.  Good luck!

  2. Whatever you choose to do. Whatever the outcome of your situation is, do NOT mix bleach and ammonia.

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