
Calling all women! For those of you that were looking at B. Obama and J. Biden?

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Has McCain changed your vote by picking a female VP. Just because I am a woman does not mean I will vote for a woman. I look at what this President and VP will do for America and it's people. Right now the US is in trouble.




  1. The fact that she is a woman doesn't sway my vote. The fact she is pro-death penalty makes me like her.

  2. hasnt changed my vote cause i always supported him but ill say he improved his chances oboma could of done the same but he ignored it i think its about time to put a lady in the white house even if it is v.p.

  3. Woman or not I don't trust her to be potential President in the event of McCain going the way of the dodo.

    They should know better than that. Women don't trust other women.

    I've heard a theory floating around that the republicans have semi-decided that this election is a lost cause with the huge success of Obama's inspiring acceptance speech and that the are just using her as a throw away, if McCain loses not big deal candidate.  

  4. I am a strict Democrat but I still listen to the Republican candidates. McCain's running mate has not changed my opinion that the Obama campaign is the better choice.

  5. I was for McCain without Sarah Palin...because I like him and think he is the right person for the job and I think Obama would be terrible for our country. I don't want to live in a communist country. I think Sarah Palin was a fantastic choice and will be a brilliant VP.  

  6. I am a woman and a feminist.

    I will not vote for a person just because of race or gender.

    I look to the issues, the policies, the experience, the whole package, and the Obama/Biden package is the one for me!! I am not swayed one IOTA by this blatant attempt by the desperate Republicans to woo Hillary's supporters, and i am sure that they won't be either.  Remember what Hillary herself said:


    unless you want another 4 years of Bush-like government

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