
Calling all women who have had a successful IUI...?

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Ok, I need a little help. My husband and I have been TTC for the past, almost, 22 months. In July we did an IUI with gonal F, ovidrel and progesterone suppositories - it ended in a BFN :( We had to sit this last cycle out due to cysts from the gonal F. The cysts are now gone and our fertility Dr wants to go ahead with another IUI, just like the last time. Now, I'm wondering, if you've had an IUI and it was successful - what meds, if any, were you on? <-- We've also been considering doing an IUI, but with just Clomid instead or no meds at all....We have to pay for all this out of pocket as well....

Also, our Dr said he'll only do 3 IUI's total, then he suggests moving to IVF <-- which we'll never be able to afford.

Any and all women who have had a successful IUI (or even medicated then timed intercourse), please tell me your stories......

Thanks to all who answer!




  1. How sad, I was hoping to hear lots of successful IUI stories!! Especially as I&#039;m going for my first round tomorrow and very nervous!

    So, unfortunately, I can&#039;t give you a positive story.  But I would like to wish you encouragement for your future treatment.  

    I think you would have a higher chance using Meds with the IUI (you have to give yourself the best chance considering you can only have 3 IUI&#039;s and can&#039;t afford IVF) so even though it is expensive the end result is worth it!

    Anyway, good luck whatever you decide to do! xx

    -:¦:-·:*&#039;&quot;&quot;*:·.-:¦:-·*BaBy DuSt*·-:¦:-·:*&#039;&#039;&#039;&#039;&#039;*:·-:¦:-

  2. well my first cycle of follistim+HCG shot+IUI last jan.2008 ended up with chemical pregnancy. May 2008 same protocol but this time, they tell us to do the timed intercourse( it supposed to be my 2nd IUI but they cancelled it because they said that they don&#039;t do IUI on weekend, esp. that weekend, memorial weekend) and oh, we bought three pre-filled preseed online. We had intercourse 12 hrs., 22 hrs., 30 hrs. after the trigger shot and Voila! I got my first BFP on HPT and blood test on my exact birthday, what a way to celebrate my bday huh?!.. Don&#039;t lose hope..Im praying for you to get a BFP on IUI..The only thing that keep us going is that all the fertility meds and IUI are free in the military ( my husband is in navy that is why we take advantage of it) so we take our chance. I suggest you also try preseed..It&#039;s cheaper online and last month of  May was our first try of that product and i got pregnant in just 1st month of using it...Goodluck on your journey!

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