
Calling an auto insurance company v.s. getting a quote online....?

by Guest34284  |  earlier

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I've heard that the quote that you can get on an auto insurance companies website and on the phone can be COMPLETELY different. Is this true? I just wanted to check-before I spent time on the phone-and find out that the quote online was MUCH cheaper.

Any expieriances?





  1. You really need to do both. Sometimes an agent can save you money by talking with you and helping you get coverages you need. Buying online can be much faster and can give you access to much more quotes which can result in a cheap rate. This is why talking with an agent and finding out the coverages you need first and then double checking online quotes to see which way is the best for you. The more quotes you get, the better your chances of saving money will be.

  2. I always recommend that people compare quotes for 3-5 different insurance companies online.  Then, once you find the company that offers the cheapest rate, you should call them on the phone.  Keep the rate quote you got online pulled up.  If they try to jerk you around and offer you a higher rate over the phone, then politely tell them you are not interested if they cannot give you the same rate as they did online.  Don't ever let an insurance company take advantage of you because there are too many other companies out there you can go with.

    Calling numerous companies on the phone can be very time consuming (30 min each) whereas an online quote will take you about 3-5 minutes.  That's why it's always a good idea to start your search online and then narrow it down to the ones that offer you the best rate before making phone calls.

    I got a quote online for Geico and then called them.  They offered me the same rate over the phone. I really think it depends on the company.

  3. To answer your Q, I save about 30% by using websites over regular over the counter. This applies to just about ANYTHING, not only insurance services.

    But why trust what anyone will tell you when you could find out your own truth by making 5 phone calls = 30 minutes

    and take 5 online quotes = another 30 minutes

    for the total of just  the one hour or maybe 2 hours to have 10 quotes?

    You get:

    1) Absolute certainty, never mind what I or the chap above me said

    2) you get some real quotes and you might choose to go for one of them, getting thusly closer to actually having an insurance.


  4. I work for an insurance company that sells online and over the phone.  I have not heard that.  It would be an interesting experiment.

  5. Lately parenting forums have been buzzing with parents looking for ideas how to keep their teenagers from spending a lot of time on the computer and Internet. It seemsthat teenagersthese days are hooked on the computer just as they were hooked on watching television just a decade ago.  In my travels through cyberspace, I have noticed an increasing number of websites and blogs discussing<!--various forms of Insurance and registration related to cars... Yes, these days if we have a car there are lots of things that we should consider into account especially with the insurance thing. I understand what your problem is all about and I think the below website may solve your problem. You can almost find any information related to car insurance.

    Car insurance is essentially insurance that covers you, your passengers, and your car in case of an accident. Most states require that car owners carry liability coverage in their car insurance policy. Liability insurance covers expenses incurred for damaging another vehicle with your own when you are at fault. This means that if you are in a vehicular-->accident and your car caused the damage, then the liability piece of your car insurance will cover the damages according to the terms of your policy.

  6. For auto insurance the most efficient way to get a low rate is do a policy comparison on auto policies. Make sure that you compare similar options with the same limits, car model, location, etc so that all options are a good comparison.

    What I most often recommend is an online comparison quote at since they have discount insurers and can give many prices on auto insurance polices.

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