
Calling parents by first names???? your opinions please????

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i have been calling my mom by her first name since i could talk and she likes it that way the same thing with all my family except my grandparents.what do you think of it????




  1. I think it's a bit disrespectful, but it's up to the parents.

  2. To me it's a little strange but only becuase I wasn't raised that way.  I think in the long run it really doesn't matter.

  3. If your parents are ok with it,then you know whatever works.I personally see it as being disrespectful & do not call my parents by their first names unless absolutely nessacery.But whatever works for you.

  4. I call my parents by their first names and always have. If my son does it when he gets older it's ok but I kinda prefer mommy.

  5. Every body was raised different and if thats how you were raised then its perfectly fine! You shouldnt be asking people what they think of it, its all between you and your parents!

  6. Personally, I think it's very disrespectful. You are not your parents' peer and vice versa.

  7. If you are happy, then that is great.

    Personally, I would think it seemed a little disrespectful to call my parents by their first names. But that is just me!

  8. My dad actually asked me to do that from now on. I'm 18. He wants me to because he thinks it sounds better.

    I think it's a good thing. Because I didn't even know the names of my grandparents untill I asked my parents. (aprox. at age 14).

    Another reason to do this could be because you are an adult and you want to relate to your parents less as a child and more as another adult, an equal. This depends on your relationship with your parents, obviously.

    If you are a child (particularly if you are an annoying child), your parents could want you to call them mom and dad because this impies they have power over you. It might make them feel in controll. I don't think many parents need to be called mom and dad to feel in controll though.

    I think in almost every family it won't be a problem. I do not think it is disrespectfull in any way.

    I like thinking about this because it makes me think about how I see my parents. Thanks for bringing it up.

  9. I grew up with my dad never ever allowing me to call him by his name my mom didnt really care but I think that children should call their parents mom and dad.

  10. If your mum and you are happy like that then there's no problems.

    I've been bought up calling mum, mum. So to me that seems really odd calling parent by first name....but it's only odd because it's new to me.

    Families have diff traditions to other families....if no ones getting hurt, then there is no problem.

  11. Personally I think it's wrong especially when the kids are small.  Parents are different from other people in their life so they should have respect for that.

  12. I think it is up to the individual.  If you and your family are happy with it that way, then why change it.

  13. I don't call my mom by her 1st name unless I call her several times and she doesn't answer.  She never called her mother by her 1st name.  It's not an issue if the parent doesn't have an issue, because it's not a common practice some people think it's weird.  I guess it's kind of a respect thing for some people.  My mom will always be mom though..even when I'm 60 yrs old.

  14. It's up to the individual. I like being Mommy to my son, he's the only one who calls me that. It calling your mom by her first name works for you, and you like it, then it's your business! Only you and your mom should have something to say about it.

  15. It doesn't really matter whether the child grows up thinking it is either disrespectful or not. If the parent isn't disrespected by it, then the child won't use it as a sign of disrespect. They'll say something else like ****-for-brains.

    As a teacher, however, I have interviewed at schools where the students call their teachers by their first names. I feel like at some point, the child needs to be taught that in polite society, that is not how the world works. I mean, if you met the president, would you call him "Bushie?" No,  you would call him Mr. President. So whether or not you call your mom "Nancy" doesn't matter as much as eventually learning that adults are to be referred to as Mr. Brady or Mrs. Rodriguez in our culture in most cases. If you don't learn that, you're a step behind.

  16. I think it is up to each individual family.  Here is my opinion though:  I think calling a parent by their first name is very disrespectful.  That is how I was raised.  I also call my aunts and uncles aunt and uncle so and so.  I realize though that we are all different and I would not treat someone differently because they call their parents by their 1st name when I think they shouldn't.

  17. My kids, for whatever reason, call me mom when they need me to be 'mom' and they call me by my first name when they need advice or want to play.  It's like they use that name that suits the situation.  I've never had a problem with it.

  18. I call my mom "mom." That being said, my mom told me that I went through a phase where I called her by her first name. Not even just her first name, but a shortened version of her first name. My grandfather was horrified, but my mom didn't mind, so long as I didn't call her "mother" which felt to cold and distant.

    Now I call her "mom" again, but it isn't so much out of respect as it is because I feel that "mom" is more special. After all, just about anyone can call her by her first name, but only a select few can call her "mom."

    I call my maternal grandmother Memère (I know this isn't the traditional spelling), and my maternal grandfather Grampa. My grandparents on my dad's side are Grampy and Nana.

    As far as my aunts uncles are concerned, I call all of my great aunts and uncles Aunt so and so, and Uncle so and so. I use "Aunt" and "Uncle" for all of my aunts and uncles on my dad's side as well, but only for two of my aunts on my mom's side. Most of my cousin's on my mom's side call her "Auntie" (which I love) but it's not because it's more respectful. Quite the opposite, it's like a special name for her, indicating closeness I like to think.

    When it comes to my friends' parents, it depends on what they prefer. For the most part I call them by their first names, but that is only after they make it clear that they are okay with that.

    Most of my sister's and my friends call my mom by her first name (one was afraid that it would be too disrespectful, but she was too close a friend to call her "Mrs. so and so" so my mom suggested that she call her by a different name entirely, but I think that was a joke).

  19. In my family we all call our parents mom and dad as do my own children.  I prefer this for me as I feel the name called out to me by my children is a right of passage.  But I think to each there own.  As long as its agreed upon by all the family

  20. If your Mom is okay with it then it's okay. I personally would feel disrespected if my kids ever called me by my first name, but that's just me.

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