
Calling plant lovers.... Have you heard of pouring cold tea on your plants?

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I have heard that it is good for them.




  1. I don't know, but I suspect that giving plant extracts to a plant might be good for the plant!

  2. Yes, cold tea, no milk or sugar.  I also pour cold coffee on mine.

    And I compost the tealeaves and coffee grounds.

  3. It's said to be very good for certain plants as are adding used tea leaves to the compost. I used to collect used T bags then split them open and spread them around the garden.

  4. Yes there is something in tea that is good for plants. I think it is to do with the tannins. I feed my plants tea about once or twice every two weeks.

  5. i don't know why but it work especially if you make the tea with tea leafs instead of bags, if you do use bags burst them and put that over the soil it seems to feed it and does help the plants grow.

  6. yes i have heard of it..but i have absolutely NO idea whatsoever why some of us do grandma used to do it..

  7. Never heard before. I will try it in one of my dying plants. Maybe it will help her. I'm not much of a green thumb as you can see.

  8. I have never heard of tea! But i have heard of Coffee Grounds!

  9. We live in a hard water area and use cold tea to water the azaleas and other lime-hating plants. It seems to work too as they all flower prolificly.

  10. Yes. I have heard that pouring cold tea on plants is good for them, but only plants that like acid soil such as rhododendrons and azaleas.

  11. I have two healthy begonias I don't want to risk it. They are my babies. I just stick those real cheap Miracle Grow plant sticks in the pots and they grow like creatures. They love me. I saved them from the trash. The neighbor had cancer next door and she tossed them onto the street for the trash man because she was moving and couldn't keep them. They were all eaten up by bugs. I replanted them and cut the bug parts off, and then gave them those real cheap Miracle Grow indoor plant sticks. Now they are BEASTS. I actually hope they slow down some. Tea does have natural acid in it so it may work, but I don't want to risk it.

  12. Not really-but it seems to work as some people have stated here..If you really want to get a definitive answer(?)why not ask -or send your questions to your local botanical gardens(e:g.Kew Gardens in the U.K./~Melbourne in Aussie)etc/

    Or-The Plant  Science or Botany Dept of your local university.

    Or-do a detailed Google search.

  13. Yes!!  ferns love it and especially maiden hair ferns (well in australia anyway) and it will do no harm to many other plants and probably gives them some protection from bugs with the tannins in it  

  14. My mum used to put used tea bags on her rockery, when I started doing it she told me to stop as I was putting too many on hehehehe.

  15. Yes I do that all the time. But not on the plant. Pour left over tea in the soil. My mother in law told me that years ago. I have a Christmas cactus that is over 40 years old and I give it a shot of tea ever week. It blooms profusely every Christmas.  

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