
Calling your partner by your ex partners name - does it always 'mean' something?

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My friend has been in an on off relationship with 'Brian' for about 5 years and they have a baby together. They ended it for good in November last year and he sees the baby every week or so. She is now seeing a new guy called 'James'. On the phone one day she inadvertantly called him Brian. He was quite upset and said she must still have feelings for him. She said it was just from force of habit, even though they broke up almost a year ago.

Is he making a big deal out of nothing, or is she holding on to 'feelings'?




  1. i would be upset if someone called me by an ex's name.

    but i can also see that it could just be a slip of the tongue, doesnt necessarily mean there are hidden feelings.

  2. It means nothing, i often call my boyfriend by my ex husbands name and we just laugh, i was with him 13 years so its just habit and both of them have the same initial! I wouldnt take him back in a lucky bag lol

  3. i would be highly upset if a boy called me by their ex name because it means that you are thinking of the person or you are still holding onto feelings

  4. It's no big deal, she's just got used to calling her partner by that name so occasionally it slips out. I've called my boyfriend by my ex's name and he's called me his ex's name. It's just force of habit.

  5. My partner has called me 'Rach' before (his ex wife), but I've also called him 'Stu' (my ex boyfriend). When you've been with someone a long time it sometimes happens. I have no feelings for my ex, and he has none for his ex wife, we're getting married next march.


  6. It is just force of habit. If you still had a crush on the person would you not be very careful NOT to mention the name?

  7. It has happened to me. It is a habit. Especially after a while being with someone. It takes getting used to. The new boyfriend however has every right to feel hurt. It is not a good feeling. She needs to work on it.  

  8. It means nothing apart from that she has known her ex for ages and the name has stuck in her head.  Its no worse than calling him her cats name!

    Its just a word that sticks, you know, like a song you cant get out of your head - it doesn't mean you like the song!

    Yes, he is making a big deal out of nothing.

  9. in my opinion i think she still has feelings for him cause i still have feelings for one of my exs and i call people his name all the time not meaning to!!

  10. I would think that it would be out of habit. I think with that much history with someone, there will always be some sort of feelings that remain.  

  11. James was probably saying or doing some thing that reminded her of Brian;-)

  12. She just sound stupid and insensitive.

  13. It means you're dumped or about to be, if i tried that my woman would murder me.

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