
Calories (What's good and What's bad)?

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I am doing and it says that I am not living a Healthy lifestyle because I'm not eating enough calories.

I'm 5' 8", 160lbs, and 17yrs Old.

I've been eating 800 calories a day for the last 3 days (It's Hard Cause I'm always Hungry), But I'm scared of what to eat because everything I have that has calories also has carbs.

As you can see, I know nothing of dieting or eating Healthy.





  1. You need to learn not to fear food or carbs. Because believe it or not, carbs are not the enemy, 40-50% of what you eat should be carbs.

    800 calories is nothing, especially for someone working out. You will end up burning muscle instead of fat, thus slowing your metablism and making it easier to gain weight.

    You should stick to the plan they give you, I use sparkteens and it really works.

  2. You're starving yourself.

    No one should eat less than 1200 per day.  The 800 your eating may not be enough to keep your body going.  You see we use calories for metabolism, i.e. calories to regulate our body temperature, calories for our heart to pump blood thur our veins, calories to breathe, etc.

    go to the website above and track what you're eating. Its not all about calories & carbs.. Its more about sugar and fat.

    eat veggies. Its ok to eat carbs and bread.

    email me if you need help.

  3. i was on yahoo looking something on yahoo and i found this go on it and it says 30 esy ways to losse 300 calories and it may help u a little ... well it did help me alot!!    


    and ya try eating more fruits and veggies!

    also,try running on a threadmiller!

  4. You need to be eating at least 1500 calories a day (that is WHILE dieting) 2000 if not dieting for a woman. Carbs are not bad - sugar is bad. As long as the carbs are not sugar (starch) they are fine and you need them to survive and be healthy. You also need a lot of protein. It makes you feel full for a long time and is very good for you, and you also need fat - but try to avoid saturated. Those three things should be in everything you eat.

    The myth that avoiding carbs makes you thin is a myth. The only way the lose weight by not eating carbs is to not eat ANY which is the way the atkins diet is meant to be. If you do not have any carbs at all for about 2 weeks your body will think you are starving and eat your fat and muscle tissue. This is extremely unhealthy and is about as safe as being anorexic to lose weight.

    You need to pick foods around the outside perimeter of the grocery store (don't go down the isles.) fruits have natural sugars, not processed and are good for you in moderation, yogurt, milk, vegetables, meat, fish... Most foods found on the outside are the ones you should be eating.

    Your 30 minute a day workout sounds good, but add some light weights. If you build a little muscle you will burn more fat where the muscle is.  

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