
Calories burning fat help?

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If i eat 1468 calories and burn 2590. How long will it take for me to drop my body fat from 10 percent to 4 percent, and will i lose alot of muscle. I'm taking whey, creatine, and a multi.




  1. Sounds like you are right on track. Don't focus on how long it takes you, though, because you will see results soon enough. You might want to try one of those online calculators that chart your progress. I use

    Strip That Fat has one too. Here's a review:

    As far as the muscle question goes, if you weight train (and you should) you will burn more calories and gain muscle.  

  2. You are burning around 1100 calories more than you are taking in. You may want to cut that down a little and eat a little more calories than that. Depending on your height and weight you may not be eating enough and your body could go in to "starvation mode" and you will not lose any weight at all. Your body will be getting it source of fuel from your muscles instead. Also it is not healthy for you to retain a body fat percentage that is so low. Even an athelite will not stay at a low body fat all year round, only during competion. You need the fat in order to have something in store in case you get ill. It weakens your immune system as well to keep such a low body fat. Are you competing or just want to do it for yourself?

    Here is an article on Understanding your body fat percentage


    Here is how to calculate your caloric intake for weight loss.

    Step one is to calculate your BMR with the following formula:


    655 + (4.3 x weight in pounds) + (4.7 x height in inches) - (4.7 x age in years)


    66 + (6.3 x weight in pounds) + (12.9 x height in inches) - (6.8 x age in years)

    Please note that this formula applies only to adults.

    Calculate Activity

    Step two: In order to incorporate activity into your daily caloric needs, do the following calculation:

    If you are sedentary : BMR x 20 percent

    If you are lightly active: BMR x 30 percent

    If you are moderately active (You exercise most days a week.): BMR x 40 percent

    If you are very active (You exercise intensely on a daily basis or for prolonged periods.): BMR x 50 percent

    If you are extra active (You do hard labor or are in athletic training.): BMR x 60 percent

    Add this number to your BMR.

    The result of this formula will be the number of calories you can eat every day and maintain your current weightt. In order to lose weight, you'll need to take in fewer calories than this result.


    If you cut back 500 calories from this and burn 500 calories, you will lose about a pound a week. Also remember, muscle weighs more than fat so as you lose fat and gain muscle, your weight may vary. My boyfriend is 5'10" and weighs 200 pounds. His body fat percentage is 7.  

    Here is an article regarding fat loss and muscle

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