
Calories in a serving...white sticky rice/?

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okay, whats confusing is that some sites tell me that one serving of rice is 168 calories for a cup, others say 150 for 1/4 cup, and this one other site tells me 225 for a cup of cooked rice. seriously, WHAT THE HECK? not only am i unsure of how much calories there are, i dont get what's the right serving amount. Ideas?




  1. Many diets are based on food exchanges promoted by the diabetes associations around the world. Here's an example of those for you to peruse. Even though the calorie count may be for a one cup amount of rice, the single portion is 1/3 cup so you have to do some arithmetic. Example: I may be allowed 2 starch portions with a dinner meal which means I can have 2/3 cup of rice OR 1/3 cup of rice and a small dinner roll.

    The Muse

  2. There are 167 calories in one cup of cooked sticky rice. The calories for the 1/4 cup are for uncooked rice.

    ~*~The United States Department of Agriculture has a great site where you can search for foods and get all of their nutritional information. Unlike other sites that have user input for their information this is the site to go to for correct information/ Go to this site and type in Rice for the search and then pick the kind yo are looking for. On the next page you can choose the serving size. I always choose the 1 cup serving for comparisons. Calories are listed as ENERGY in the chart.

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