
Calve muscles? quick answers?

by Guest44732  |  earlier

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ok i have longs legs. i'm 5'7 and i just want me legs to be muscular and really defined. right now their juts plain and kinda skinny. what is a QUICK way to see fast results besides running? i know its going to take time, but i'm getting tired of running all the time. i actually kinda hate running. so anything else i can do to acheive nice big but not too big calves?

help me i want nice legs before school starts back up again. which is in like a month. i'll still keep running though




  1. Stick with the running but try to run faster as this will help build muscle, & running uphill uses the calf muscles a lot more than flat ground running.

    Also, do some strength exercises

    Calf raises: stand on one leg on a step with your heel hanging over the edge & hold onto something like the bannister. Slowly go up onto tiptoes & back down. Try 3 sets of 20 on each leg- if they're too easy, hold a dumbell in your free hand

    Toe walking & heel walking will also build up your calf muscles as well as improving balance & coordination

    Also, walking in high heels will work your calf muscles more than wearing flat shoes- but don't wear them too much & stretch your calves when you take them off so the muscles don't shorten

    Remember to eat protein, especially after you exercise as this will help with muscle repair & growth (meat, eggs, milk, beans etc.)

    Good luck!

  2. Running will actually ensure they stay trim, how I usually build muscle tone on my legs is to walk on a treadmill at a quick pace (4 - 5 mph) with the treadmill up on it's highest incline. after a minute or 2 you will definately feel it.  You will see some results after a month if you do it maybe 4 times a week for about 30-45 mins.

  3. Theses might help...

  4. if you have the time and the resources, riding (horses) is a GREAT way to develop calve muscles. maybe not the best choice for a quickie, but riding is a good way to develop those.

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