
Calvert school and student records for homeschool program?

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I am interested in enrolling my 5 year old in Calvert school's homeschool program. Since it is the holiday season and they are not open, I wanted to know if anyone on here knows if they keep records that I can use when I am ready to stop homeschooling after the eighth grade level. I may need something to enroll him in high school, even though I am homeschooling. (I live in NJ)




  1. I use Calvert and LOVE it.  While I don't use their service for keeping records, etc.. I have many friends that do and they find it very helpful.  Depending upon your state, you don't have to have a 'grade card' in order to enroll in high school.  You just have to have a letter from Calvert or even the homeschool rep stating that you have completed the curriculum and have complied with what is minimum for up to 8th grade.  

    I live in Maryland and there is no testing or such.  I just have to have a letter stating that my boys have met the requirements to enter high school.  But every state is different and you must check with before you trust what your county says what you need to do.  Our county tried to tell a new homeschooling mom that she had to have her home inspected when that is not the case.  

    But I agree to keep your own copies, however Calvert has been around for over 50 years and they are widely used by families all over the world, so I think you will be safe with their record keeping.  

    Good luck and have a great holiday!

  2. Just a word of advice.... keep your own records! If the school keeps them that's great but always always always keep a copy for yourself. You never know if your records will be "lost" when you need them. I learned this the hard way!

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