
Calving occurs at places where?

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Calving occurs at places where?

A. valley slopes become steep.

B. glaciers meet the sea.

C. glaciers join together.

D. icebergs reach land.




  1. B. Calving is the term given when ice breaks off a glacier and becomes an iceberg.

  2. None of the above.  Calving occurs when a guy meets a gal.

  3. Did'nt think it was any off them. I thought it was in a field where the farmer keeps his cows.......

  4. D.......

    It occurs when they reach land.....the emense pressure of the iceburg creates heat causing water at the bottom of the glacier(top of land). Its the same effect as if something really long and heavy but not strong were hanging half way over a clift and then it snapped in the middle!

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