
Calzaghe v Hopkins - fair result?

by Guest58192  |  earlier

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After watching the fight i was always confident that Calzaghe could and would do it. People have been saying that Hopkins won the fight, it was the wrong result etc etc. But i think that the result showed that Calzaghe deserved it and it was the right result, becuase the fight was in America and all the judges were American and they chose Joe for the win so i think that proves that Joe was the worthy winner. Becuase everyone knows that in someones back yard it can go against you, espeacially with the fight so close like it was when your the away fighter




  1. I think so. Joe was the one looking to box while Hopkins was looking for help from the Referee whenever fists came his direction. All his hype came back to bite him in the backside.

    I can't believe 90% of the comments he makes, even the Americans don't come out for him.

    Even though it was in Las Vegas, the only support for Hopkins was his own corner!

    B-Hop is a fighter not a Boxer.

  2. Definitely a fair result.  Hopkins can talk that he controlled the first part of the part.  Unfortunately for Hopkins, that's not the most important part of the bout.  Hopkins did not control the last part of the bout.  Calzaghe took care of business last night.

    As far as the future, Kelly Pavlik is too small and gets walked down by Calzaghe.  As does Roy Jones and even Antonio Tarver.  The only person that may be interesting as a challenge may be IBF champ Arthur Abraham.

  3. This rarely happens in fights with difficult styles to score, but the judges (let alone judges in Vegas!) actually got it right.

  4. joe won it easy once Hopkins lip went the rest of  Hopkins went shortly after that he was out on his feet   lol


  5. Hopkins won exactly ONE round - the first.

  6. i thought it was a fair result hopkins is a boring fighter, i have seen heavyweights tie-up less than him it was so frustrating to watch and whats with all the cheating it was like watching a wwe wrestling match im glad b-hop lost he sucks. the only fighter that could beat calzaghe in my opinion is chad dawson

  7. I think B-Hop won it

  8. I agree, it was a fair result. Hopkins hoped to ko Calzaghe and was wrong. At the end he didn't have enough power to go on, so that he had to act these punches below the belt. What a shame.

  9. Even Stevie Wonder realized that Calzaghe won

  10. It was a close fight, I wouldn't have had a problem with it going either way. Calzaghe missed allot of his shots (dont buy too much into punch stat numbers) I thought throughout the fight Hopkins landed the harder cleaner shot where Calzaghe's volume of punches appealed to the Judges. It all depends on what judges ya have.

    Some Judges like Aggression and some like Accuracy. I thought Hopkins fought an excellent fight and I had him Sweeping the early rounds 1 to 4 with 5 to 7 being a toss up.

    Calzaghe's corner was telling him he was behind in the fight. Which at the time I believe they were right. Going into the 8th and 9th I had B-Hop up by 2 rounds, But Calzaghe came out like a champ and finished strong winning the last 3 rounds on my score card.

    I had Joe ahead by 2 points at the end. Hard fought fight. I thought Hopkins would be able to hurt Joe and stop him late. But im glad to see the White boy make Mr Blackman eat his words.

    Hopkins tried every trick in the book, especially the so called "Low Blow" he used to get a rest. Joe didn't play into the head games and walked out the winner.

    If this fight told me one thing about Calzaghe is that when he steps up to a good fighter he can be hit allot.  Calzaghe Vs Pavlik.... I dont know, If Pavlik hit Joe with the shots Hopkins did...It would be a short night of work.

    I think Calzaghe should take a fight with Jones make some big money and then fight mabey Taylor, then mabey dare to step in with Pavlik.

  11. Joe Calzaghe should consider himself extremely lucky to have got that decision. He is clearly over-rated and lacking in skill and power. He can't punch and his defensive game is very ordinary. Hopkins should have had the balls to take him apart last night and it was the American's inability to be ruthless that handed the fight to Calzaghe. It's amazing that Calzaghe has managed to remain undefeated for so long given his limited abilities.

  12. I wanted B-Hop to win but you have to go with activity and punch out put. Hopkins still has a full tank and can give guys a fit even after this loss. I thought Joe did enough and I want to see him carve up Pavlik and Jones. He deserves the pound for pound title because he fights stiffer competition than Floyd.

  13. fair result

  14. joe deserved to win, legend that he is. love it the way american boxers act like such d**k heads that their own fans start to hate em and support the other guy . . .

  15. Definately a fair result. Actually, I think it shouldve even have been a split decision. I thought Joe won very decisively.

    B-Hop was winning at first because it takes Joe awhile to adjust. Then like typical B-Hop, he didnt change up his gameplan and kept doing the same thing. Walking around, and coming in strong with the right hand. Joe saw this, and in the 5th round, started backing off preventing Hopkins from doing it.

    After that, Joe just started fighting his fight. Even though his punches werent strong(they were more like slaps), they were landing, ALOT.

    When I saw a split decision in the making, I thought the judges were going to get it wrong and get it to Bernard. They actually got it rite this time. Kudos to those judges. Except the one who scored it for Bernard. I can see some rounds were "swingable" BUT, he had Bernard by 4 rounds. Thats crazy.

    But also, did you notice this?? It was kinda like Hopkins controlled the entire fight BUT, Joe won the rounds. That was weird to me. It was like Hopkins was controlling the war BUT, Joe kept winning the battles.

  16. Are you insinuating that Americans would s***w a fighter out of a decision because they weren't American?

  17. Joe won fair and square. Hopkins has always run his mouth and most of the time he's full of bulls***.  He won it on Hopkins own turf and I now believe Joe's ready: to get his a** kicked by Kelly Pavlick.

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