
Cambodia to Vietnam?? How to get there??

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I cant seem to find a flight! How did you get around??




  1. Why dont you do an overland travel with Sinh Cafe via the Mekong Delta to Ho Chi MInh City.

    If you are not into bussing it then fly.

    Try and also to see if they do that route. If not try Vietnam airlines

  2. take a bus

  3. there is, just keep looking

  4. you can arrange that with many travel agent in Phnom Penh, or also ask at your hotel to arrange that for you.

    flight or bus or boat along the Mekong.

    the cheapest is by bus, it's about $7.

  5. I flew between Viet Nam and Cambodia twice, and I think I used Vietnam Airlines both times. I flew VN Airlines many times - a good carrier.

  6. There are about 3-5 flights daily from Phnom Phenh to HCMC.  Other options could be taking the bus to HCMC, but i would strongly recommend against that.  I used to work in sales at a large tour agency here in Hanoi and had many clients coming from Phnom Phenh and everytime i would always recommend the boat trip to Vietnam Via Chau Doc.  Chau Doc is a lovely quiet little city which is a great place to first see the more traditional life of Vietnam, also it is a great hub to go to different places near there.  If you choose this i would recommend the Trung Nguyen Hotel its a friend of mine that runs it.  Ask him what exactly there is to do and h**l be more than happy to help you organize everything that you need while your there and also to continue your journey.  My favorite thing to do there is go to Cam Mountain.  About 3 years ago they had finished a 30 meter tall statue of Buddha at the temple there.  They do have a road that you can hire a local to drive you up, the security will not let you drive your own bike up the mountain.  I recommend the walk its a bit long usually lasting about 3 hours depending how many times you stop at the many different little tea and coffe shops along the way.

    So all in all i would strongly recommend the boat trip to Vietnam.

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