
Camcorder: Credits and editing?

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How do I put credits in my video? How do I add the beep sound for cussing like they do on TV? Is there any way I could do this for FREE? If not, what's the cheapest price? Is there a function on my camcorder for this?




  1. Well, for credits, you can use Windows Movie Maker, a program that comes free with all windows computers (check in your start menu)

    For the bleeping sound, you could use this site...

    It's like Youtube, but with sounds!

  2. If you have a pc on XP, you can try free windows movie maker w/c has a decent EDIT-title/credit segment.

    For the blippppp for the 'cussin, download a sound effect from

    and drag/drop to audio/music track in sync to the 'cussin.

    Might be possible to record video on memory stick but capacity is small as it's intended for stills... and your vcam does not support high capacity flash media.

    If your digital-8 vcam has a firewire port, connect the vcam to pc via firewire cable (4/6 pin?).

    CAPTURE VIDEO:  video stream from tape-based Vcam

    a.) Connect digi-8 vcam to pc via FIREWIRE cable (4 or 6 pin) for best transfer (USB w/quality concern)

    b.) Set vcam mode to playback, set for capture, pause

    c.) Open wmm and set to TASKS pane

    d.) Click Capture from video device; wmm  controls vcam operations- on play, video stream is captured to wmm/COLLECTION

    IMPORT FILES:  from pc folder

    e.) sound effect for 'cussin

    EDIT MOVIE:  create movie as a project

    f.) Drag&drop video files from collection to TIMELINE ch art below at the desired sequence

    g.) Enhance video: drag&drop sound effect in-sync, right click-adjust volume

    h.) Create titles/credits…re-edit as you wish

    FINISH MOVIE: render muvee file

    i.) Render/Save MUVEE to pc and/ or share- CD; Save PROJECT (work-in-progress) for future edits.

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